[DRAFT] LOOK: This is the Nightly Cleansing Drink You Need to Try Right Now

Written by Paola Faith Simon

Sometimes, we can’t help but indulge in not-so-healthy food. May it be from sugary sodas to fatty samgyup and to every Pinoy’s favorite fried lumpia, it’s really hard to say no.

As a foodie myself, I’m absolutely guilty of this. You can’t blame me—they’re delicious!

What you may not know is that the unhealthy foods we consume all day accumulate dirt inside our bodies. That’s why you sometimes feel bloated at the end of the day, or sluggish as if your body lacks energy. It sucks when that happens and maybe even makes you feel guilty for bingeing. But that doesn’t have to be the case, as long as you know how to counter it with some care.

How? Simple. A good nightly cleanse will do the trick! Cleansing will help reset your body and aid in washing away all the unhealthy stuff you had during the day.

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ALSO READ: 5 Hydrating Fruits You Should Add to Your Daily Diet!

And no, this is not one of those cleansing fads that are too expensive for most of us to sustain. People often forget about it, but the truth is the best solution to maintaining good health is to go natural. And for proper cleansing, the solution is as easy as drinking your daily dose of a pure pineapple drink like Del Monte 100% Pineapple Juice Fiber-Enriched!

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Pineapple is high in fiber, which plays an important role in cleansing the body and keeping the digestive system healthy. It can help lower blood cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart diseases, and aid in weight loss. Del Monte’s pineapple drink is rich in fiber as it is 100% pure—once the juice is extracted from the pineapple, it is immediately packed in cans or tetra and shipped to stores for consumers to enjoy. Unlike other “fresh” juices in the market, Del Monte 100% Pineapple Juice Fiber-Enriched has no added water, sugar, or preservatives.

In fact, each can of Del Monte 100% Pineapple Juice contains 4 grams of dietary fiber—that’s equivalent to two slices of pineapple!

sliced pineappleImage: Unsplash.com

So imagine adding this to your nightly routine. Before you go to bed, make sure to drink one can of Del Monte 100% Pineapple Juice to cleanse your body of all the dirt it accumulated throughout the day. You’ll wake up the next day feeling light and more energetic! After all, you shouldn’t just stop with skincare—what’s inside our bodies also need TLC. Cleanliness comes from within, and it all starts with a healthy gut.

So don’t forget to “kain araw-araw, cleanse gabi-gabi” with Del Monte 100% Pineapple Juice Fiber-Enriched!

What do you think of this cleansing drink? Have you tried it yet? Let us know in the comments below!

Del Monte 100% Pineapple Juice Fiber-Enriched

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