
UA&P’s CivAsia 2017 presents: “TAGGED”


Student leaders of the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) annually organize the Civitas Asia National Student Conference (CivAsia). Now on its 20th year, CivAsia is set to happen on April 6-8, 2017 in UA&P.

The conference series has served as an avenue for a reasoned conversation on socio-political concerns since 1997. Youth leaders from all around the Philippines meet for three days to engage in meaningful discussions with fellow student leaders and invited expert speakers on pressing issues of the society. The delegates are also asked to prepare policy papers or advocacy campaigns during the conference to assert the significance of youth involvement in nation-building.

CivAsia 2017 focuses on the theme, “Tagged,” which is inspired by the idea that the youth of today – the millennials – are tagged to incite real change in the community. The three-day conference aims to debunk the myths that millennials are lazy, entitled, and self-centered brats and to reaffirm their value as important assets to the different institutions of the society.

The first two days features successful young professionals in different fields as guest speakers, including Dir. Pepe Diokno, Atty. Karen Jimeno, Coach Charles Tiu, Prof. Richard Heydarian, Mr. Jigo Reloj, Ms. Pinky Webb, and Hon. Vico Sotto. There will also be breakout sessions in between talks to give the delegates enough time to prepare the advocacy campaign or infographic that they shall present during the socials night on the second day of the conference. On the third day, the delegates will take part in an exposure trip to an NGO community to immerse them in volunteer work.

CivAsia 2017 invites all Filipinos from ages 16 to 30 to attend the conference. For more information, visit civasia.uap.asia and follow the CivAsia page at www.facebook.com/civitasasia/. To sign up, please click https://civasia.typeform.com/to/x8wcrH.