
This Summer, Bring Your Own Water Bottle

Everyone is always excited for summer. Whether youโ€™re a student whoโ€™s enjoying a break from the semester-long stress of academics or a professional getting ready for that outing you and your workmates have been planning for months, there is always so much fun for everyone this season.

No matter what activity you are gearing up for, you will always have to deal with the heat, and one immediate and effective solution in combating the warm weather is to drink water. However, before buying that next bottle of water, try and think about the country’s world’s problem regarding trash.

Iโ€™m quite sure that you have seen one of the thousands of videos of those poor turtles who accidentally ate some plastic floating around the sea, and I know that it broke your heart as well as it did mine.

With all the trash thatโ€™s already out there, trying to minimize where we can is the least we can try to help save the environment and those cute and amazing sea creatures. You wouldnโ€™t want to enjoy your summer outing on a beach ridden with trash, do you?

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And so, today, before heading out, get your trusty old tumbler and fill it water. That way, you donโ€™t contribute additional trash, plus you get to save yourself from buying an overpriced 50 peso worth of bottled water.

Letโ€™s try to enjoy this summer in a way that we donโ€™t ruin the next summers to come.

Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments!