
This Gas Station Toilet Puts All Public Toilets to Shame

This Gas Station Toilet Puts All Public Toilets to Shame

This Gas Station Toilet Puts All Public Toilets to Shame

Those who enjoy going on road trips have mastered the art of using gas station toilets. You have to admit, it takes skills to use a dark and usually dirty toilet while trying to control a full bladder. But what if a gas station’s toilet looked like this?

Model Jason Godfrey shared a video on Facebook about his experience using a toilet in a Shell gas station in Bohol, and it is pimped out. There’s a mirror that takes up a wall from end to end, paintings, nice lights, a magazine rack, background music, and liquid soap. There’s actual soap in it! Jason also said that it has a menthol smell, and even free wi-fi!

Now that is one toilet we’d like to live in!

I mean… use.

According to Jason, “This toilet is better than my room. It’s better than my entire apartment.” You and me both, Jason. You and me both.

The Shell toilet in the video is a branch in Bohol, but there are similar toilets in Tagbilaran and Cebu. When do we get these in Metro Manila?

Here’s a video of Jason’s experience at the toilet:

What do you think of the toilet? Do you think we should have the same in Metro Manila? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

This Gas Station Toilet Puts All Public Toilets to Shame