The Stages of Experiencing A Pseudo-Vacation (For Students)

We’re all going on and on about summer and how awesome it is to have all the time in the world to do all the fun things like travel but for ~some~ of us, we can only experience true summer within a week because the rest of the summer season is spent inside classrooms.

Yes, I’m talking about all those students who are studying in schools that have shifted their academic calendars. This means that for some of us, school starts in August and ends in May. This also means that we’re stuck in school during the summer season while others are enjoying their time in the beaches.

Fortunately, we students have been given the chance to experience this time called summer for a week.

This is the time of the Holy Week where everybody’s out of school and work to celebrate the traditions of the church.


Since this one-week vacation is still a bit new to us young’uns, it causes students to experience uniqueย stages during this pseudo-vacation.

Here are the 7 stages of experiencing a pseudo-vacation:

7. Relief

reality tvTrue Entertainment//Don’t Be Tardy

FINALLY. You can finally have more than 8 hours of sleep. You can finally catch up on those series you’ve been waiting all semester to watch. You can finally read books that aren’t academic. You are finally free from the bondage of requirements and deadlines–at least, for now.

6. Relaxation

the princess and the frogWalt Disney//The Princess and The Frog

You’ve spent the last few days just enjoying this bliss you finally have in your life. You’re waking up without having to immediately hit the showers. You can spend the entire day on the couch and only get up to eat (showers are now optional).

(RELATED: 14 Things That Can Make Your Summer Extra Fun)

Or maybe you’re making the most out of every day going around the country because you’re not bound by the four walls of the classroom. Road trips are definitely an option. What better way to relax than to see the beauty of the Philippines?

These are the days of pure relaxation.

5. Denial

You’re trying to enjoy every single moment of this bliss. But in the back of your mind, you know that there’s something you should be doing.

Yet, you try your best to ignore the fact that your responsibilities are breathing down your neck.

4. Pretending

You finally get up and ~try~ to face your responsibilities. Keyword: try.

You step up into the ring like you’re ready to fight but end up sitting back down even before it even started.

3.ย Panicked Cramming

You have finally arrived at the last day of your pseudo-vacation. You know now that there’s no way you’re escaping your responsibilities at this point any longer. You’re trying to fit in a week’s worth of academic work into one night.

You want to cry, but you don’t have the free time to do that.

2. Regret

As you continue to cram through the night, you remember those days you spent doing absolutely nothing. You still don’t have the time to punch yourself because it’s almost morning and you’re only halfway through your requirements.

1. Acceptance

It’s finally the end of your pseudo-vacation. You have come to face the fact that you are back to reality. Even though you haven’t slept and you can’t even tell if your works are acceptable in the academic world, you just shrug your shoulders and face the morning.

If you had the chance to do it all over again, you’d do it all the same way. Because, hey, at least you got to rest! Now, it’s time to face your battles head-on.

What did you do during your pseudo-vacation? Share it with us!