Edge of Tomorrow: What I Really Want to See in the Movie

Edge of Tomorrow: What I Really Want to See in the Movie

Have you seen the trailer of Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt’s new upcoming movie “Edge of Tomorrow” yet?

I saw the “Edge of Tomorrow” movie trailer while watching Maleficent in the cinema a few days ago and found it to be an interesting movie. Things got EVEN MORE interesting when I heard the news that the movie was based on a Japanese novel, though (a light novel, actually).

After hearing this news, I quickly did my research and confirmed that the movie really was based on Hiroshi Sakurazaka’s light novel “All You Need is Kill”.

Edge of Tomorrow Movie

If you’ve seen the trailers of “Edge of Tomorrow”, you probably got the gist of the story: it’s about Tom Cruise reliving a very, very horrible day over and over again while fighting a hoard of aliens trying to exterminate all of humanity (similar to the 1993 movie “Groundhog Day” starring Bill Murray – the time loop part, at least).

Being an anime geek, I’ve read the Manga (Japanese comics) version of the light novel and there’s one thing I would really love to see in the film: an axe -swinging Tom Cruise.

Edge of Tomorrow Movie

Apparently (and unconventionally), this is the main weapon of choice of the protagonist in the manga version. And I think it would be a good weapon to see on Tom Cruise.

I mean, we’ve all seen Tom Cruise gun it out, punch it out, and even climb it out in the Mission Impossible series. We’ve also seen him use a Katana in “The Last Samurai”, so seeing him going on a swinging frenzy with a gigantic axe might just give the 51-year-old actor a fresh look.

I never saw an axe in the movie trailers (though Emily Blunt’s sword is beyond awesome), so I guess we won’t be seeing any axe-hacking anywhere in the film. Still, I’m definitely keeping my hopes up on this one.

Edge of Tomorrow Movie

Edge of Tomorrow Movie

Photos from Google

Edge of  Tomorrow will be out in cinemas nationwide on June 5 in 3D and IMAX.

Or catch it in 4DX at Bonifacio High Street!

Edge of Tomorrow: What I Really Want to See in the Movie