
Spice up Your Pantry With These Glass Spice Jars With Minimalist Labels

Ready to start your new beautiful, plastic-free kitchen? Well, we’ve found an item on Shopee that’s worth adding to your pantry in case you’ve been meaning to start organizing it.

Let me introduce you to the wonders of glass spice jars! These eco-friendly space-savers just add to the minimalist charm you’re most likely going for on your shelves and racks. You no longer have to put up with seeing your spice collection displayed in different packaging, or having to scavenge through a cluttered cabinet when cooking in the kitchen.

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The thing you’ll love most about these spice jars are the customized minimalist labels that they come with. They’re already pre-printed with the names of common spices which are easy to read, preventing you from accidentally reaching for the wrong thing or misplacing them. There are so many types of labels to choose from so pick the one that best suits the look of your tidied-up kitchen pantry.

This kit also comes with sift and pour shakers, course shakers, and a collapsible funnel for easy decanting.

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So spice up your shelves with these glass spice jars and BUY them now!

Browse for more deals on Shopee here!

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(ALSO READ: The First 5 Things You Need to Start Organizing Your Pantry)

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