
PWR Live 3 –PWR Delivers a Great 2016 Opener!


The Machine Cometh


We were treated to a short but sweet video package of the man known as “The Machine”. We have seen this man dominate in the PWR Pre-shows in the last few PWR events. He said that he is coming, and the gears are in motion. Who knows just how much of an impact this man would bring in PWR when he debuts in the main show at Vendetta?


 PWR-Live-3-John-SebastianJohn Sebastian enters ringside


PWR-Live-3-JDL-save“Senyorito” to the rescue!


John Sebastian and Main Maxx vs Mark D. Manalo and “The Senyorito” Jake De Leon

A match that was supposed to be Mark D. Manalo vs John Sebastian, but Main Maxx attacked MDM from behind after John Sebastian berated the promdi about his house and gave him a new one in the form of a cardboard box (plus a smaller one for his ‘guest house’). JDL rushed to ringside and rescued MDM which forced Mr. Sy to book this match from a one-on-one match to a tag team match (PLAYA!).




PWR-Live-3-MDM-JDL-vs-Sebastian-Maxx-1Double Team move by the Royal Flush!


There was a lot of “John Sebastian” and “Senyorito” chants at the start of the tag team match. Sebastian and JDL lock up and started the match with an elaborate exchange/reversal of holds. JDL was backed into the corner by Sebastian where the Royal Flush attack the Senyorito. JDL fought back with a nicely placed dropkick on Sebastian and he tagged out to MDM. MDM and JDL hit a perfect double hiptoss and basement dropkicks to the face of John Sebastian. Maxx tried to interfere but is stopped by the good guys who send him to one corner. Both Main Maxx and Sebastian are down at their respective corners in the ring and were in perfect place for MDM and JDL to deliver dual running sentons to the Royal Flush members. Outside the ring, Main Maxx sent Mark D. Manalo into the steel steps before tagging himself in. He taunted the promdi, who was recovering outside the ring, and waited for him to return to the ring. Main Maxx delivered some hard clubs to MDM and worked him at the corner with a flurry of punches and a spin kick for good measure. Maxx would deliver an amazing handspring before deliver a slap to the face of Mark D. Manalo. MDM kicked out at 2 after a Main Maxx splash. John Sebastian got tagged in and delivers some hard knees to MDM on the corner. Mark D Manalo started to fight back with some snap jabs, but John Sebastian blocked him before the bionic elbow and drove him to the mat with the spinebuster for a 2 count.


PWR-Live-3-MDM-JDL-vs-Sebastian-Maxx-2JDL with the ‘Hampas Lupa’ Splash!


PWR-Live-3-MDM-JDL-vs-Sebastian-Maxx-kickSebastian kicks…and scores!


Main Maxx and John Sebastian isolated MDM for a few moments of the match, much to the frustration of Jake De Leon. Maxx and John Sebastian did an amazing double team move on MDM with a head scissor-big boot combo. MDM reverses a submission move by John Sebastian into a pinfall for a two count. MDM delivered an assault on John Sebastian at the corner but missed a key splash and the Ace in the Hole got the upperhand. Maxx re-entered the ring and delivered a basement dropkick to MDM. He propped up MDM on the ring apron and was setting him up for something but MDM delivered a hot shot on the Perfect 10. Mark D. Manalo tried to reach out to JDL for a tag but the Senyorito was pulled off the corner by Main Maxx and was sent to the outside. Mark D. Manalo delivered a bionic elbow and both himself and Maxx went down. Main Maxx kipped up which led the fans to chant “holy s***” ! Mark D. Manalo mustered up his strength and delivered a powerful spear on Main Maxx. JDL gets into the ring with a much needed tag from MDM and he was a ‘house on fire’! JDL punished John Sebastian in the ring with his Hampas Lupa Splash + Payroll (RVD’s Rolling Thunder) combo. Jake De Leon would try to deliver the Alipin Drop but MDM was shouting to get back into the ring. MDM got tagged in and would line him up for a stunner, only to be kicked below the belt while the referee was distracted (again). Maxx grabbed the promdi and slammed him to the mat with the Blitzkreig for the pinfall victory.


PWR-Live-3-MDM-JDL-vs-Sebastian-Maxx-3Main Maxx wants JDL at Vendetta


After the match, Main Maxx challenged JDL at Vendetta to put his “Path of Gold” opportunity on the line. Mr. Sy approved of this and made the match official for PWR Vendetta.


PWR-Live-3-Versoza-BombayVersoza with an amazing kick to Bombay!


PWR-Live-3-Versoza-Bombay-1Bombay delivers the Bomb Shelter on PV


Bombay Suarez vs Peter Versoza

Bombay had a brief backstage segment telling everyone that he’s ready for hi s fight in Malaysia this February 13th. Both men had a quick exchange of holds to start off the match until PV got the advantage with a springboard DDT on Bombay. Bombay took PV down with a shoulder block. PV converted a move by Bombay Suarez with a sunset flip for a two count. PV would try to pin Bombay yet again with quick rollup. Bombay rolled PV up himself for a 2 count. The fans started to chant “Sitaw” at Bombay, refereeing to the infamous ‘sitaw’ usage at an old PWR event. Peter Versoza surprised Bombay with an enzugiri kick for a two. Bombay fought back with a high altitude hiptoss and elbow drop on PV before he sent him into the corner. Bombay connected with a splash and delivered 10 straight punches to the face at P to the V. High angle leg drop on PV and Bombay only got a two count for it. Bombay charged PV at the corner but Versoza was there to catch him with an elbow to the face. PV delivered an excellent slingshot dropkick on Bombay as the fans started to chant “Jimmy Bondoc” on the former Dual Shock member. Bombay channeled his inner-Rikishi and took down PV with a butt bump. Bombay Suarez delivered a perfect axe kick on his opponent before he pinned him for 2. Peter Versoza caught Bombay and slammed him with the Samoan Drop. PV made it to the ‘second floor’ (top rope) but missed a splash on the b*tch killer. PV walked into Bombay’s Kick of the Day and then Bombay followed it up with his Bombshelter (wind-up slam) maneuver. Peter Versoza tried to deliver the Petegree on Bombay but Suarez rolled out of it. PV would walk yet again into a Kick of the Day and would be pinned for the 1-2-3.


PWR-Live-3-Versoza-CrystalVersoza vs Crystal @ Vendetta!


Peter Versoza was pulled back into the ring by Crystal who wanted a post-match interview. An irate PV kicked Crystal out of the way, and unleashed the fury of PWR’s ring announcer. Crystal challenged Peter to an inter-gender match at PWR Vendetta. Mr. Sy, due to the approval of the crowd, made things official for PWR Vendetta. Peter Versoza gave Crystal 2 Petegrees (Pedigree) as a preview of things to come. The match of Versoza and Crystal at Vendetta might be one of PWR’s most controversial match yet.




PWR-Live-3-Apocalypse-vs-ImabayashiThe challenger delivers the ‘Death Bell’ on the PWR Champ!


For the PWR Championship: Ralph Imabaysahi © vs The Apocalypse


The Apocalypse made a strong statement at the start of the bell after he delivered the Death Bell on the PWR Champion. The masked wrestler continued to punish Ralph on the corner and would rain in the boots on his opponent. Apocalypse followed Ralph to the outside and tried to slam him onto the steel steps, however the PWR Champion drop toe holds him onto the steel steps. Ralph Imabayashi made a head charge onto the downed Apocalypse and delivered a brutal running dropkick onto the Apocalypse at the steel steps. Both men re-enter the ring and Ralph delivered a brutal flurry of punches, chops and kicks to his opponent. Ralph tried to attack Apocalypse, but the latter drove him to the mat with a sidewalk slam.




PWR-Live-3-Apocalypse-vs-Imabayashi-2SONIC CRUSHER~!


Apocalypse would deliver a handful of sidewalk slams on the PWR champion for good measure. Ralph Imabayashi would surprise the challenger with a Sonic Crusher out of nowhere as Apocalypse tried for a another sidewalk slam. Ralph Imabayashi would deliver his signature 4-corner attack combo on Apocalypse before he would deliver a flying knee for a two count. The Apocalypse ‘crotched’ the PWR Champ via the use of the PWR referee and scaled up to the corner where Ralph was located. The Apocalypse would try to deliver the Death Bell from the top rope but the PWR Champ countered it with a top rope Sonic Crusher! Ralph would collect the win via pinfall and retain the PWR Title.




PWR-Live-3-One-MonthBryan Leo shouting ‘ONE MONTH’ at the fallen champ


The show had a ‘royal ending’ as Royal Flush would descend upon the ringside area to deliver a Royal beat down on the champion. Main Maxx delivered his Blitzkreig. Scarlett locked in the cross arm lock. Even John Sebastian delivered his running knee on Ralph while he was perched on Bryan Leo for the Royal Flushdown. The show ended with Bryan Leo shouting “One Month!” at the fallen champion.


PWR-Live-3-RalphThe Champion, Ralph Imabayashi, with his PWR Championship

Overall Thoughts

PWR Live 3 was a good way to start 2016 for the PWR and its wrestlers. I loved the ending of the event with Bryan Leo telling Ralph he had one month (or less) until they would have their rematch. There were certain PWR Vendetta matches I feel weary and unsure about as they were ‘booked’ during this night, but that might just be due to the fact that we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg here in PWR’s story telling machine. Truth be told, however, I am pumped up for the next event at the iACADEMY because I have a good feeling that it will be memorable. Props yet again to the hard-working men and women of the PWR for putting on a great show.

PWR Pics by: Hub Pacheco

PWR LIVE 3: Quick Results

Pre-Show: The Network (James “Idol” Martinez and Chino Guinto) d. Los Trabajadores via pinfall

“Classical” Bryan Leo d. Rederick Mahaba via submission

PHX Champion Ken Warren d. Vintendo via pinfall

Chris Panzer d. Joey Bax via submission

The Royal Flush (John Sebastian and Main Maxx) d. “Senyorito” Jake De Leon and Mark D. Manalo via pinfall

Bombay Suarez d. Peter Versoza via pinfall

PWR Championship: Ralph Imabayashi © d. The Apocalypse via pinfall to retain the PWR Championship