
part 2 Ultimate Taste Test Event (New Philippine Food Tasting)

First of all, you need to check out Part 1 here – Ultimate Taste Test part 1.

In part 1 of the Ultimate Taste Test challenge, we were able to speak with Anton Diaz of OurAwesomePlanet.com. He explained to us what exactly the Ultimate Taste Test is. He says that it’s a gathering of new food creators as well as critics and foodies who want to try out the new recipes. Perhaps this is really just a place for new discoveries of bite sized proportions!

Again, there’s more info on the Part 1 post so check that out! We also feature different foods there so you NEED to see that!

Company Name / Stall :ย Dulcelli Cakes
New Food:ย Avocado Sansrival / Choco Mallow Fluff
Type of Food:ย Dessert
Contact Person: Denice
Phone Number: 09228162468 or 7998010
Company Name / Stall : Yogi’s Bar
New Food:ย Vegetarianย Sisig eyc
Type of Food:ย Vegetarian Dishes & Desserts
Contact Person:ย Lali or Krista Balagtas
Phone Number: 09158671999 or 09228865887
Company Name / Stall :ย Happy Bacon
New Food:ย Piggy Stardust (Chocolate Covered Bacon Bites)
Pig Pogs (Chocolate Lollipops w/ Bacon Bits
Type of Food:ย Dessert (breakfast maybe? lol)
Contact Person:ย Erica Paredes
Email:ย happy_bacon143@yahoo.com
Company Name / Stall :ย Homemade Savoury Meal Pies
New Food:ย Australian / Filipino Pies
Type of Food: Pies
Contact Person: Aaron & Tina
Website:ย www.savourypies.multiply.com
Email: savourypies@gmail.com
Phone Number:ย  09178310925
Company Name / Stall :ย Ang SaWrap
New Food:ย Cesarย Chicken / Thai Chicken
Type of Food:ย Wraps and Rolls
Contact Person:ย Minnie

Company Name / Stall :ย Kefir Cultured Milk
New Food:ย Cultured Milk
Type of Food: Healthy Drinks
Contact Person:ย Jaren Cabral
Phone Number: 09165915359 or 3453736
Email:ย jarenphilippines@yahoo.com

Happy Bacon Chocolate Covered Bacon Ultimate Taste Test Erika Paredes WhenInManila.com Philippines Desserts

Avocado Sansrival Dessert Cakes Ultimate Taste Test When In Manila Kefir Cultured Milk like Yakult Ultimate Taste Test Makati WhenInManila.com Manila Philippines WhenInManila.com Ultimate Taste Test Challenge Event New Filipino Food Dessets etc

Dulcelli Cakes Choco Malow Fluff Dessert Ultimate Taste Test WhenInManila.com Phillipine New Foods

Homemade Australian Filipino Pies UltimateTasteTest WhenInManila.com Manila Philippines

Watch the Ultimate Taste Test 3.0 part 1


  1. TERESA HUNDANA January 26, 2010
  2. TERESA HUNDANA January 25, 2010
  3. WhenInManila.com December 16, 2009
  4. Patty December 10, 2009