
Pamamaalam: The UP Concert Chorus Farewell Concert Before their Big Tour

Pamamaalam: The UP Concert Chorus Farewell Concert Before their Big Tour

The UP Concert Chorus, the official choir of the University of the Philippines, has been representing the country in stages abroad. Last year, we won the Grand Prix at the 2015 Krakow International Choral Competition in Poland, where we bested 28 international competitors — proof that the Filipino artists have what it takes to compete in the world, if given the chance.

For performers, singing before an audience is just as important as an artist finding a client to appreciate his art. This year, the UP Concert Chorus has received invitations to spread its wings in the United States of America, Latin America and Canada. Before we leave for the tour, we will be having a farewell concert entitled “Pamamaalam” on May 22, 2016 in the Engineering Theatre of UP Diliman. For more inquiries and reservation of tickets, contact Airom Camua at +63917-590-3842.