MRT Woes: 5 Reasons Why It’s Still Better to Ride the MRT
When in Manila, the MRT used to be one of the most convenient ways to get around the city. However, riding the MRT isn’t as enjoyable as it used to because of the unbelievably long lines, delayed trains, and thick crowds. And it’s a problem that doesn’t seem to be going away.ย
Yesterday, the MRT management reported that they had “additional passengers of 2,300 per hour per direction.” This means as much as 9,200 passengers boarded the trains during the two-hour rush hour period. This isn’t good news if you’re a daily commuter because it means you could get crushed by more people inside the trains every day.
Expect to see more people ranting on social media about how awful the MRT is. But before we do that, why don’t we take a moment and try to see the good side of things? It sucks to ride the MRT these days, sure, but commuters from other countries are having worse days. Plus, celebrities occasionally ride the MRT. That’s something you won’t expect from the places listed below.
Here are some countries that have bigger problems than our MRT woes. Hopefully, they will make you appreciate our train system more.ย
MRT Woes: 5 Reasons Why It’s Still Better to Ride the MRT
Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Companhia ย Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) can be a nightmare during rush hour, which starts at 5 pm. Just take a look at what happened the second the train arrived at the station. Things can go from relaxed to complete mayhem just like that.
Think the jostling that happens at the MRT is annoying? Wait ’til you see this.ย
At least they get excited when the trains come, even if they know they’re about to slam into one another and fight for the chance to sit comfortably during the ride. This crowd erupted in cheers when this train arrived at the platform.
Mumbai, India
According to data from the Central Railways, there have been 23,473 deaths in different train accidents in suburban Mumbai railways in the past 11 years:ย 4,561 died after falling from the moving trains; 90 died after falling in the gap between the platform and the train; and 253 died after hitting the poles along the tracks.
That’s a lot of casualties. Yes, our MRT may not be the most comfortable mode of transportation, but I have yet to hear of someone falling through the platform gaps or falling out of crowded trains.
It’s not surprising that some people die after falling off the train if you see them riding like this, though:
Tokyo, Japan
The morning rush at the Toyoko Line station between Yokohama and Shibuya is also a good test of strength for the railway officials. Watch them push and shove people inside the already-packed trains. These guys don’t need a gym membership with all of the workouts their biceps get every day.
Beijing, China
For several weeks, commuters were shocked and deeply aggravated by the unbelievably long lines found at the North Avenue station, especially in the mornings. While this is really a legitimate reason to be mad at the MRT management, we should be thankful the crowd isn’t like this:
Jakarta, Indonesia
Economy trains here are so overcrowded that seeing passengers on the roof is no longer surprising. This is a common sight during mornings and afternoons.
New Delhi, India
People from other states who need to go to New Delhi for work are usually without money so they are forced to do this:
Do you still think the MRT is awful after seeing these videos?