
Make young girls’ Christmas a little merrier with Girls Got Game


“We believe that sports can help alleviate poverty in our country.”

Quite a bold statement that the founders of Girls Got Game bravely proclaim.

Girls Got Game is a non-profit organization founded by two Filipina athletes, Krizanne Ty and Nikka Arcilla, built out of their passion for sports and love for the country. With the promising vision of empowering young Filipinas with important life lessons through sports, Girls Got Game conducts sports camps for young girls in difficult economic situations. This idea is based on the premise that equipping pre-teen girls with an athlete’s mind and body helps them rise out of their current situations.

“A strong education and encouraging environment are critical but it is just as important to build in these Filipinas the right attitude. Through our sport camps, we wanted to show how these values can open the doors to many opportunities that lead  to rising above poverty and creating a better life,” said Krizanne Ty, co-managing director of Girls Got Game.

Being varsity athletes back in their college days, the co-founders assembled their other athlete friends to join them in their cause. An idea that blossomed earlier this year is now in full swing, with a core group of twentysomething volunteers.

In fact, Girls Got Game is having its third sports camp soon in partnership with Milo Philippines, Gatorade Philippines, the German Embassy, and Gawad Kalinga. During their camps, young girls are physically trained with skills and drills for three core sports – basketball, volleyball, and football. They are also given mental and emotional training by female role models who share their own experiences with sports.

With less than a year since its conception, Girls Got Game clearly has a long way to go.

“We are very thankful for the support from our partners and hope to reach even more girls with their help. Our doors are always open for individuals and organizations who wish to join us in our cause.” added Nikka Arcilla, co-managing director of Girls Got Game.  

If you are convinced of the power that sports has upon young individuals, here are simple ways in which you can support Girls Got Game:

  1. Buy one Girls Got Game shirt and have another donated to a girl on your behalf.
  2. Volunteer at their camps either as an athlete/coach or a team lead/team “ate”.
  3. Become a partner for their next camp and help them put up a camp for a community.

For any of the above, you can message them through Girls Got Game Facebook account or email nikka.arcilla@girlsgotgame.ph and/or krizanne.ty@girlsgotgame.ph.