
LOOK: Couple in LDR for 12 Years Finally Marry—Here’s How They Beat the Odds

Could you ever be in a long distance relationship? Moreover, could you be in a long distance relationship for 12 years?

The question of long distance relationships, and whether it actually works or not, have long divided people into two camps—the believers and the naysayers. After all, long distance relationships are not, and probably will never be, easy. It’s not for the faint of heart.

But for some people, perhaps the bravest of us, the answer to whether they could make long distance relationships work is a no-brainer. Like for this one particular couple, for example.

For Aila and Jet, the answer was clear. It was a resounding yes that, after 12 years of braving the odds, blossomed into an I do.

The couple who made it

Aila and Jet met in 2004, all the way back in high school. I went to school with them (Aila is my cousin and Jet is my friend), so I tell this story as someone who’s witnessed their love story from the very beginning. She was then a freshman and him, a senior. It didn’t take long before the universe kind of played its part I guess—it was all really so effortless. Seeing one another in school almost every day, they both just developed this crush on each other, albeit from afar.

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Soon enough, Jet would be hanging around Aila’s service at dismissal, just so he could say hi to her when she passed by. Letters then followed, exchanged between the freshmen building and the seniors’. And not long after, bike rides from Jet’s neighborhood to Aila’s (which wasn’t near!), where he would hang out with her at her home, under the supervision of Aila’s welcoming parents. Yes, they were teenagers, but from the get-go it was pretty obvious, this was no ordinary high school love story. That was 2004.

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In 2006, Jet’s family migrated to Canada. Even without knowing what that meant for their relationship, Aila and Jet decided to do the impossible: to stay together. Thus began the 12-year long distance relationship that, just last month, in August, finally concluded with a walk to the altar, equipped with vows to stay together forever, for better or for worse.

Their relationship throughout the years, despite the distance

Making it work wasn’t easy for sure, but man, these two made it seem like LDR is a piece of cake. Aila and Jet are, honestly, two of the nicest people I know, and I know that it’s their inherent kindness and patience that made all this possible. Well, that, and the magical thing that is the internet. :p

Talking to Aila’s mom after the wedding, she said, “I’m just glad that Aila can sleep now,” talking about the couple’s struggle (and sacrifice) given the significant time difference between Philippines and Canada.

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Valentine’s? No problem. The couple would do virtual dates where they would each set up their own dinner in front of a web camera.

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In 2009, Jet came back to the Philippines for the first time since he left, to surprise Aila on the night of her big 18th birthday. She cried tears and tears of joy upon seeing him again after three years!

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Just one of the many times Aila has dropped Jet off at the airport, after a short visit to the Philippines. Aila would say it doesn’t become easy, no matter how many times they part, and is heartbreaking each time.

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But in 2014, nine years into their relationship, Jet finally decided to put a ring on it with a surprise grand proposal in front of family, friends, and happy on-lookers. You can watch the proposal here:

I swear, these two put Lilypad and Marshmallow to shame.

And, finally, the I do.

Finally, in August 10th 2018, after thousands of video calls, sleepless nights, virtual dates, 13 years of love, and 8,000 miles of distance, Aila Mabanglo and Jet Mabini stood in front of a minister and became Mr. and Mrs. “Thirteen years!” Jet proudly yelled through the microphone at the ceremony, as they high-fived each other. We all celebrated with them. They truly beat the odds.

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As for how they made it work? Aila simplified it in this post:

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She said, “No spell needed. Trust mixed with pixie dust and a whole lot of Faith.”

You can watch their wedding video here:

To Aila and Jet, to the couple who made us believe that love can indeed conquer anything, including impossible distance, congratulations. <3