
LOOK: A Passionate Foreigner Breaks Negative Stereotypes About Mindanao

Kyle “Kulas” Jennermann of BecomingFilipinoย posted this photo on his Facebook page along with a beautiful reminder for every one of us. Hopefully, this would help in stopping negative stereotypes about Mindanao, especially among us Filipinos.

Mindanao is a beautiful place. Kulas attests to that. He had lived there for two years and traveled to over 18 provinces in the region. I personally haven’t been here, but I’m looking forward to exploring its wonders soon in the near future.

Check out his beautiful story and message through his post:


“I am traveling to Mindanao, already bought ticket, but since then I have met some Filipino people around world and they all insist that I will die there as a white person. I would like to hear your opinion about it.”

After reading this (common message I receive), I talked with my “barkada camerman” Kumar. He shared with me just the other day one of his foreign friends is incredibly hesitant to visit him in Cagayan de Oro, because it is “Mindanao”.

All you need to experience Mindanao is a little bit of research, a little bit of common sense… and a SMILE. A GREAT BIG SMILE. Because you will find more people smiling then you will anything else… that will be more common.

Whenever I hear comments like this I think back to this moment where I invited my brother, yes a family member to come visit me in Mindanao. Whenever I hear anyone talk about fear or death, or hear them relate horribleness to “Mindanao”… I look at this photo of my brother, his friend and my Tito in Cagayan de Oro.

I couldn’t imagine my brother not meeting my Tito. My Tito who has such a beautiful heart, who is so outgoing, welcoming, and friendly, and who throws so much positive inspiration into so many people’s lives…

who is born and raised…

in Mindanao.

Whenever people say the word “Mindanao” and relate horribleness to it… I wish they remembered they are painting that over 20 million people, and over more then 20 Provinces here in the Philippines. There is so much more to “Mindanao” then that.

This #BecomingFilipino journey would not exist, if it wasn’t for the happiness and inspiration I got from people like my Tito…

In Mindanao.”

(See also:ย How to Travel Around Southern Mindanao on a Budget)

Kyle “Kulas” Jennermann will soon have his own travel show airing on ANC! We’d surely love to keep up with his adventures here in the Philippines along with his journey to “Becoming Filipino.”

Check out BecomingFilipino Your Travel Blog for more information about his show.