
Legacy Week: Leave Your Legacy

Legacy Night is the culminating event of Legacy Week, which aims to unite the Freshies as their first year in UP Diliman comes to an end.

[FINAL] Legacy Week Poster-WhenInManila.com

The University Freshie Council proudly presents Legacy Night, wherein UP Diliman Freshies will come together to showcase their talents in music and modeling while shedding light on what makes every college extraordinary in its own right. It will be held at the School of Economics Auditorium on April 21, Friday, from 5 to 9 PM, in cooperation with WhenInManila.com, ClickTheCity, John Robert Powers Manila, Universal Robina Corporation, and Chic Centre Corporation. The event also gives its special thanks to OrangeSegment Print and Design Studio, Frappe La Rue, McDonald’s, Nail It!, Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines, and Elmech Contractor Inc.

This event welcomes the entire university, mostly encouraging Freshies to support their fellow batch mates, featuring various bands from the Freshie community. Male and female representatives from each college will also compete for the title of Mr. and Ms. Freshie, testing contestantsโ€™ charisma and ability to represent the college well. Itโ€™s a night to express UP Freshie pride, and win various prizes from the sponsored raffle contest.

The University Freshie Council is composed of executive committee members, college representatives, and their council associates. The University Freshie Council strives to be an inclusive body that creates an open environment, provides relevant services, and cultivates socio-civic consciousness among its constituents. It also envisions itself to holistically develop a Freshie community that is empowered in its growth, united in its endeavors, and rooted in its services for the nation.

They can be contacted through the Council Chairperson, Colleen Chua [09778290919]. They can be emailed through ufcupd@gmail.com. They can also be contacted through their Facebook page [UP Diliman University Freshie Council], their ask.fm [ask.fm/ufcupd] and their Twitter [@ufcupd].