Amid rumors that her ex-husband Aljur Abrenica has started seeing other women, Kylie Padilla took to her Twitter account to appeal to concerned fans and followers to not make it such a big issue. After all, they have already separated months ago.
According to her, they are both allowed to date other people now, and that fans should stop pinning the blame on other parties for their separation which was allegedly caused by a third party.
“Guys there is no issue. We separated April pa and we have already mutually agreed to date other people. Please stop dragging other parties into this,” said Kylie in a tweet. “I have no intention of disclosing anymore of what happened because I want to cherish the littlest ounce of privacy I have left.”
She then thanked everyone for their continued concern and assured fans that she is doing alright with her children. “Thank you for everyone’s concern. The boys are happy and stable. Which is our main priority. Love and light to everyone.”
Guys there is no issue. We separated April pa and we have already mutually agreed to date other people. Please stop dragging other parties into this. I have no intention of disclosing anymore of what happened because I want to cherish the littlest ounce of privacy I have left.
— kylienicolep (@kylienicolep) October 1, 2021
Thank you for everyone’s concern. The boys are happy and stable. Which is our main priority. Love and light to everyone.
— kylienicolep (@kylienicolep) October 1, 2021
Her tweets were seemingly in response to Aljur being romantically linked with actress-vlogger Aj Raval. In a Facebook post by internet personality Xian Gaza that went viral, he alleged that “AA” had invited a “Ms. Viva” for “Netflix & Chill” at his home. He clarified though that this “Ms. Viva” was not the reason behind “AA” and “KP’s” breakup. Netizens then speculated that Xian was referring to Aljur, Aj, and Kylie respectively.
Kylie and Aljur were confirmed to have split up last July by Kylie’s father, Robin Padilla, through an exclusive interview with Ogie Diaz. He claimed that Aljur had been unfaithful to Kylie but expressed hope that they will be able to work it out as a married couple.
Kylie has since moved to a new home with her sons, Alas Joaquin and Axl Romeo, whom she now co-parents with Aljur.
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