ย Incredible Chinese Concept Train That Never Stops Even When Picking Up and Dropping Off Passengersย ย
This is the type of ingenuity we need!
Check out this incredible Chinese concept train that does not need to stop even with picking up or dropping off passengers.
Part of the concept is having extra compartments on top of the train where ongoing and off-going passengers can step on even while the train is moving. Through the concept train system, these compartments will then be picked up and dropped off at each station.
Just imagine how much time we can save if the train did not need to stop. Moreover, imagine how much fuel the trains would save with not having to stop and go consistently. Starting the train or any vehicle from zero may be one of the most gas guzzling parts of a drive. So doing this really saves money, time and effort!
Hoping we can bring this type of concept train into the world very soon.
Imagine how cool this would be for our country!
Chinese Concept – The train that never stops at a station – cool!