In case you missed the ‘super blood wolf moon’ last January 21, there’s no need to worry because you have another chance on February 19. According to astronomy experts, the moon will be at its biggest and brightest this year. This is because the moon’s orbit will be at its closest to earth at onlyย 356,800km (221,700 miles).
Consequently, all the following moons will be farther and farther away from earth. Then in 7 months time, the moon will most closely align withย lunar apogee.ย This means that September’s moon this year will be at the most distant point from earth.
Before that happens though, there is one more super moon to look forward to in March. Although it will obviously not be as spectacular as February’s full moon, it will complete the “supermoon trifecta” of 2019. This ‘trifecta’ refers to the subsequent appearances of super moons from January to March.
So why the name? February’s full moon has typically been called the ‘snow moon’ due to the winter season. They simply added the superlative ‘super’ to mark the special occasion. While it won’t be giving off any different-colored hues like the January supermoon did, it will give off the brightest glow of the year. Be sure to be ready with any gear you might need!
The moon will reportedly be viewed best at moonrise, which will happen around 7:30pm.ย Of course, weather conditions may alter that so just keep vigilant.
Are supermoons really as special as everyone makes them out to be? Let us know what you think!ย
Sources: Earthsky