
Take Stunning Photos at This Christmas in Space Installation

Hands up if you love Christmas installations as much as we do!

Christmas in Space Installation at SM Megamall

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Photo from SM Megamall

SM Megamall recently launched its out-of-this-world Christmas in Space-themed centerpiece to welcome the holidays and we are in love with it! Beside the mall’s 60-foot Christmas tree is Astro, a giant interactive astronaut with an LED face that displays different facial expressions – like happiness and playfulness – as it welcomes everyone to a unique intergalactic experience.

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Photo from SM Megamall

Also in the centerpiece is Mega Space Odyssey, an immersive LED space tunnel that takes shoppers to a new world where they can have a glimpse of the universe, explore spaceships, discover new galaxies, and meet cosmic friends.

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Photo from SM Megamall

The launch began with the lighting of SM Megamall’s 60-foot Christmas tree adorned with a shower of lights in nebula and shooting star designs. Mandaluyong Mayor Benjamin Abalos, Sr. led the tree lighting, and was joined by his granddaughter Ms. Universe Philippines 2021 – Mandaluyong Corrine Abalos, SM Supermalls President Steven Tan, SVP for Marketing Joaquin San Agustin, and AVP for Operations Christian Mathay.

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Photo from SM Megamall

It concluded with a special presentation depicting the journey of Santa and his new friends – the intergalactic heroes called Space Guards, to protect Christmas from invaders who wanted to halt Christmas.

Make sure to visit soon and enjoy a Mega and Bright Christmas in Space at SM Megamall!

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