
Author: Therese Reyes

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Bipolar Diaries: My Battle with Mania

Youโ€™re in bed. Itโ€™s 2 in the morning. Only the sound of the fan can drown the thoughts in your head. You try and concentrate on your breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. You try and …
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Mental Health: The Road To Stability

As Iโ€™m writing this, I am confined to a hospital bed because I havenโ€™t slept in almost four days. My appetite was down. My energy was through the roof. I wasn’t running out of energy. …
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Poke/Poke: When East Meets West

From the island of Hawaii, a new food trend has come to the shores of the Philippines. Poke, pronounced as โ€œPOH-kehโ€ means โ€œto cutโ€; it is simply raw seafood turned into a salad. It is …