#ABSCBNSaySorrytoUPLB Trending: Hashtag Goes Viral For Inaccurate Reports

“Trapo” or “Sample”??

ABS-CBN News was in hot water after the hashtag #ABSCBNSaySorrytoUPLB trended on Twitter!

The reason? During the #BinayVisitsUPLB forum on September 15, the news outfit wrote that the UP Los Baรฑos students “heckled” the Vice President, chanting “trapo”.

This was quickly called out by the university’s student council and the school paper, as the students were in fact shouting “Sample! Sample!” as a way of teasing Vice President Binay to perform at the forum.

Shortly after the ABS-CBN report was released, the university student council wrote an open letter addressed to ABS-CBN news on unethical journalism:


The student council insisted that ABS-CBN News release a public apology addressed to UP Los Baรฑos for its misleading articles. This was soon picked up by students, netizens, and other news outfits!

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Soon after, ABS-CBN News posted the following public apology:

ABS-CBN public apology

What do you think of this??