Who says snacking is bad? Snacking done in small frequent times can actually help you lose weight and curb hunger pangs! Here are healthy snacks you can munch on, without the guilt.
5. Yogurt
Yogurt, especially plain yogurt is packed with nutrients your body needs, is good for your skin and digestion, and doesn’t pack much calories. Top with fresh fruit or drizzle on some honey for a sweet yet healthy snack!
4. Dark chocolate
Davao’s Pride, Malagos Chocolate products, are available all over the country and exported to various countries
Dark chocolate in moderation is actually good for your body — it can help you lose weight as it releases the chemical dopamine, which tells your body that you are satisfied and full. It also lowers blood pressure, is considered as “brain food”, and is a decent source of iron, magnesium, and other nutrients!
3. Plain popcorn
Yes, you can have popcorn, but hold the butter.
2. Mixed Trail Nuts
Mixed trail nuts are good for snacking in the middle of the day, and you can make your own too! Depending on the nuts you mix, they can come in chock-full of nutrients and benefits. They’re great for filling up, but keep everything in moderation still.
1. Fruity snow cones
Instead of ice cream, go for fruity snow cones on a hot day — squeeze some natural fruit juice, pour it on shaved ice and enjoy in a bowl or on a cone.
Any other healthy snacks you think we missed? Let us know!