5 At-Home Pet Grooming Tips for Fur Parents

For fur parents, the love and fondness they have for their pets go beyond their cute looks and distinct smell. That is why, aside from spoiling them with treats and teaching them new tricks, owners practice responsible pet parenting by keeping their furry friends safe and cared for.

One of the ways you can prioritize your pets’ welfare is by ensuring they are always well-groomed. Although certain limitations are barring people from visiting pet grooming salons, there are ways in which you can keep your pets looking sharp and smelling great, even just at home and all by yourself.

5 At-Home Pet Grooming Tips for Fur Parents

5. Determine their breed.

It is important to understand the level of grooming your pets would need to help them feel better. According to TopBreed ambassador Dr. Nielsen Donato, there are long-haired breeds that need more frequent grooming. There are also dogs with long ears that need more frequent ear cleaning compared to those with erect ears. (To know more about details like these, you may get in touch with a vet.)


TopBreed ambassador Doctor Nielsen Donato with his furry pals

4. Practice the right dog bathing habits.

Since the Philippines is a tropical country, the heat can sometimes get really harsh. This can lead to dogs’ glands secreting too much oil, which causes them to feel icky and uncomfortable. To check up on this, you can stroke your dog’s fur and see if there is dust clinging onto it. If there is, bathing them once a week with warm water can do the trick. If your dog is of a bigger breed and is prone to heatstroke, bathe them with cooler water instead.


TopBreed ambassador Doctor Nielsen Donato

Dr. Nielsen Donato says the ideal time to bathe your dogs is during the morning at around 9-10AM. Regular baths should last for about 15-20 minutes — starting from the shoulders, then slowly moving on to the back. For the head, it is good to use a wet towel or a sponge. Dogs with erect ears may feel irritated when water gets inside their ears.

Apply dog shampoo with slow, gentle strokes, making sure to keep shampoo from getting into your pets’ eyes. Let pets get used to you grooming them, too. When you start grooming your pets yourself, they might find it unusual. However, similar to any methods of pet training, you can practice positive reinforcement before their regular grooming session.

Try giving them treats when they follow through the bathing area. If their nervousness persists, it is best to consult with a veterinarian or a trusted pet groomer.

3. Choose the right shampoo.

There are different ways you can keep your dog’s furs shiny and healthy. This can be achieved by keeping them stress-free, maintaining their good hygiene, giving them fish oil for essential fatty acids, and using a shampoo suitable for them.

One important tip when choosing a pet shampoo is to veer away from those with strong scents.


Make TopBreed’s ShamPooch your trusted pet grooming companion

TopBreed’s ShamPooch has a mild citrus lavender scent that pets will surely love. Made from organic ingredients friendly for dogs, ShamPooch has Madre de Cacao and Neem Extracts, which have antibacterial and antiparasitic properties, and Organic Glycerin that helps moisturize and nourish their skin. It also has Organic Keratin, which revives and protects the smoothness of the dog coat.

2. Let the experts handle it.

While it can be exciting to unlock a new skill and learn how to groom a pet yourself, you might find some parts of the grooming routine daunting. When in doubt, it is best to entrust more complex tasks such as nail trimming and oral grooming to the experts to ensure safety.

1. Listen to your pets’ needs.

Remember: a pet’s physical well-being can affect their emotional stability. So, make sure your fur babies stay well-groomed and happy!

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