15 Types of Officemates You Will Meet at Work

7. The Plastics

This is a coworker whose emotions change faster than the speed of the light. They’re friendly in minutes, then suddenly hate you for the rest of your existence. They will say things without thinking and get things whatever it takes. They are secret whiners, who complain at everything about their managers, but a total angel when the boss is around. No wonder they tend to be promoted first than you.


6. The Clueless Fresh Grad

These are the youngsters in the corporate family which make them prone to bullying. They make the senior employees feel old. Meteor Garden was first aired when they were in grade 3, and they don’t have any ideas what on earth a betamax is.


5. The Yoda

They are your legend colleagues who were already with the company since the dinosaur era. They look back at company profiles and can’t help feel nostalgic. They are the mentors and protectors of the younger employees, and are known for their timeless wisdom from real life experiences.


4. The Dory

The “DORY” is your coworker who is always missing in action. They are either out in the field or are on vacation leave. They are your coworkers who are always late and always the first ones to leave the office. They are not fond of overtime and weekend activities. They love to set meetings around 3 pm and when they do, don’t expect them to come back.


3. The Martian

They are low-key; they don’t talk much and their life outside work is a complete mystery. They are consistent topics when they are not around, often left behind or left out. When there are social activities after work, they always make excuses to not attend. But though they are socially awkward, you know that they’re good and excellent employees.


2. The Bae

The “BAE” is your office crush whose simple “hi” gives you a thousand butterflies fluttering in your stomach. The BAE is the only reason why you are still standing strong, even when your job sucks. You will do everything to be noticed by them. You even changed your lifestyle; you take a bath and brush your teeth now every day. Congrats! Your next goal? Invest in deodorant.


1. YOU

This is YOU! There are times when your hard work is never appreciated and when you feel like your brain cells are starting to kill each other. Just in case no one told you yet, allow me to do the honor, “You are AWESOME, AMAZING, SMART, AND BEYOND STEREOTYPES.” Now get back to work and show them what you got.


Any other types of officemates you want to add? Let us know!
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