Year of the Pig: Here is Your 2019 Chinese New Year Horoscope, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Year of the Horse

Born in the years: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Love: For singles born in the Year of the Horse, the Year of the Pig is going to be a lucky year for finding love. Ladies who are sincerely looking for a partner might find it, although the men might have to wait a bit to find theirs. For the guys, there are better chances to find love in job-related places.

Those in a relationship are in a really happy and good place, and engagement or marriage should be considered. Those who are married are also finding themselves in happy, romantic, marriages and will feel as if they’ve fallen in love all over again.

Wealth: Horses’ luck in money is just steady this Year of the Pig. Horses aspire prosperous lives though, but as long as you put in the effort and truly work towards your goals, you will have a decent steady income.

Career: Lots of job opportunities are on its way to Horses this year, and you will focus on your career development. This means more responsibility are also headed your way, and you will be getting busy. However, no matter the work troubles, trust that help will always be given to you. More energy will always come to support you.

Year of the Sheep

Born in the years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Love: Sheep are a good match for Pigs, which means this is a good year for love for people born in the Year of the Sheep. This is a good time for singles to look for love. Do try to actively and genuinely look for and meet people. Don’t miss the opportunity, as you might find the right person this year.

Those who are in relationships or are married are in luck too, as the Year of the Pig brings them happy, steadfast, and harmonious relationships.

Wealth: This is a good year for making money for Sheep, as opportunities come your way. Handle your money well, though, as it could easily lead you to losses if you don’t. Keep your head straight and don’t lose your mind with the money, or else a bad image or lawsuit may follow.

Career: The Year of the Pig brings Sheep a job and good income, making this a year of career opportunities. As long as you work hard and put in the effort, the Year of the Pig is sure to bring you a prosperous life.

Year of the Monkey

Born in the years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Love: The Monkey’s love life in the Year of the Pig is just fair, neither too lucky or unlucky. If you are a single female, you may have to wait more before finding your match, although you might want to try dating someone younger. You might find them to be a good partner. Single males, on the other hand, have better chances at finding a partner, so just keep socializing and get more active for more opportunities to meet The One.

Wealth: The Year of the Pig brings opportunities for wealth for Monkeys, but this means they might have to create this luck on their own—by use their own talents, skills, and creativity. Because of this, hard-working people have better luck at prosperity this year, compared to those who might be a little bit lazy.

Career: There aren’t many changes ahead in the career department for you, Monkey, so if you’re pretty satisfied with what you do now then there’s no problem there. Your career might bring opportunities for you though to show off your skills and talents. This is also a good time for more learning and training, which will always be good and useful whether for now or in the future.

Year of the Chicken

Born in the years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Love: Single females might have to wait a little longer before finding the love of their lives, but you shouldn’t lose hope. Patience is needed. Also, don’t be quick to dismiss the idea of dating someone younger. It might work out for you. For single males though, you have a a good chance of meeting the partner of your dreams this Year of the Pig. As long as you are actively and genuinely searching, they will come along at the right time.

Those in a relationship or are married should pay attention more to their partner’s needs, hobbies, and interests. Be sure to also shower them with positivity and appreciation for a better relationship.

Wealth: Good opportunities for making money come this year for Chickens, and you are encouraged to express yourself through your expressions and talents. Your chances in making that extra income come from your ability to share your ideas and talents to other people. But also, be careful of how you spend and invest your money this year.

Career: Your focus is not on career right now, so there won’t be much of a change there, and that’s okay. If you do encounter troubles at work or your career though, don’t be afraid to look for a helping hand of someone to guide you. Those born in the Year of the Horse could make good career guardians for you.

Year of the Dog

Born in the years: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Love: Single people born in the Year of the Dog have good opportunities in meeting their perfect companion this year. Don’t miss this lucky chance, so if you’re genuinely looking for love then put yourself out there and allow yourself to meet and interact with people. They could be anywhere, although outdoor events under the sun could be lucky.

If you’re in a relationship or married, this is a good year as you two will be an even happier and more affectionate couple this year. To married people, don’t forget to always express your appreciation towards your partner for a sweet and romantic marriage.

Wealth: There are opportunities for money coming your way this year, although there are some opportunities as well that you might miss. If you need help managing your finances and money, seek help and advice from experts.

Career: There might be positive opportunities surrounding your career this year, and there is also a chance for a work development. Making a career or job change may also cross your mind. You might be offered a new job position too, and it is up to you to make the choice. Just listen to your gut and trust it. Do you feel ready and passionate for the new job opportunity? If yes then make that leap. Otherwise, stay.

Year of the Pig

Born in the years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Love: Sorry, Pigs, but doesn’t mean this is your year is that it’s also the year to find love. If you’re single, you still might have to wait a bit before finding your one true love. You’ll see a lot of competition out there, but just don’t forget to lead with courage and a  positive attitude to find your person. A little sense of humor wouldn’t hurt, too! But just keep looking, and attend social events to increase your chances.

If you are in a relationship or are married, prioritize your relationship. Married people should devote more time for their family.

Wealth: There aren’t many opportunities for wealth this year, although putting in the extra work and time to earn that extra income will do the trick. There might be chances of overspending or loss of money this year too, so be very careful in how you manage or invest your money. Seek help if you need to.

Career: Your chances at career opportunities are just fair, and you are okay with that. Your focus is not on career growth right now. You enjoy what you do. If you own a business though and it starts to get busy with more opportunities coming in, you can find new business partners to work with. Otherwise, if business is slow, don’t expand just yet.

How do you feel about this Year of the Pig? Are you feeling lucky? Share your thoughts about your horoscope in the comments!

Source: 2019 Year of the Pig horoscope based from readings on