Former EXO member Kris Wu was trending once again on social media for allegedly being seen out on a date with a mystery woman. Photos began circulating on Weibo, a chinese social media platform, which seemed to show the C-Pop artist holding hands with a woman in a parking lot. The unknown woman was said to seem very shy as she kept close to Wu and even hid her face from the cameras.
Chinese reporters claim the pair had gotten into a car together early in the morning. They were later spotted emerging from the parking lot of Wu’s residence with their hands firmly clasped.
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Though the man in the picture was decked out in a bucket hat and face mask (to hide his identity, most likely) netizens were quick to push that the figure really was Kris Wu. They compared it to clearer photos of the celebrity captured earlier in the day.
(Bela Padilla basically shared that EXOโs Kai makes her happy andโฆ same, tbh)
Some quick research by netizens was able to pin down the woman as aย Chinese student at the Beijing Film Academy. She is guessed to beย Qinniu Zhengwei or Luyi Luna on social media platforms, an aspiring actress and a Weibo influenver with 900k followers.
What do you think about this?ย