
New Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer is Getting Us Super Excited!!!

I don’t know about you, but I am super excited for the new Star Wars movie to come out this December!!! Fortunately, the Star Wars folks have been keeping the excitement going by releasing trailer after trailer and the newest one has gotten me all the more excited for what’s to come!

Watch it here:

Ahhh!!! I know, I know. There’s still not much to go on in terms of the plot, but the action is enough to make me want to watch the movie as soon as it comes out.

I can’t wait to see more of the new lightsaber and Kylo Ren, and is it me or does someone there sound an awfully lot like Darth Vader?

And oh, let’s not forget to mention the Han Solo, Leia and Millennium Falcon scenes!!!


Since the MMFF usually shows around Christmas time here every year, I am very happy to say that Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be premiering here on the 17th of December. That means we won’t have to wait til the end of MMFF to catch it. WOOHOO! Who else is excited for this?