


The Computer Engineering Department of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines is dedicated in promoting technological awareness and growth for young IT and Engineering Students. With this, the department will be conducting its 5th National Computer Research and Engineering Symposium (CoRES). This has been celebrated for over 12 years formerly referred to as the Annual Information and Communication Technology Conference (ICTCon).

The Research and Symposium offers an opportunity to reflect on changes in the field of Information and Communication Technology that continue to alleviate the quality of life worldwide.

Bannering the Theme: โ€œTechnology that Matters: Research and Innovation Empowering Human-Centered Development,โ€ CoRES remains to be an annual event organized to promote ICT awareness through out the nation through series of Seminars, Research Presentations and Exhibits. For more than a decade, it has been an avenue for students having the privilege to study the different fields of ICT to gather for them, share their knowledge, hear from IT experts and get updated on new technological advances.


The Computer Research and Engineering Symposium 2017 Series of Seminars include 12 different topics from the following Series: The Internet of Things; Geographical Information System (GIS), Other Emerging Technologies and Communities. Under the Internet of Things are: 1. Internet of Nano Things; 2. Internet of Things Cloud Technology; 3. Internet of Things Security and Analytics; and 4. Wearable Technologies. The Geographical Information System (GIS) features the topics: 5. Geographical Information System Mapping; 6. Here WeGo previously known as HEREmaps; and 7. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Technology. Other Technologies include: 8. Light Fidelity (LiFi); 9. Virtual Reality (VR) Programming; 10. Project Loon; and 11. Satellite Technology featuring the Philippine DIWATA microsatellite. Information about some Technology-related Communities will also be discussed like 12. the Intel, Google and Mozilla Community.

The registration fee for the Seminar is worth 200 Php which include the following:

  • 2 Seminar Topics of your Choice (Schedule for each Seminar should be considered due to differences in the venue)
  • 4 Free Seminar Topics (Satellite Technology, Intel, Google and Mozilla)
  • Souvenirs and Freebies
  • Free Snacks for the Opening Ceremony
  • Certificate per Seminar Topic


There will be two Topics for the CoRES 2017 Workshop one of which is the Internet of Things with Arduino and the other one is the Python Programming. For only 120 Php, you get to have one Hands-on Workshop of your choice with Souvenirs and Freebies, Snacks and Certificates.


One of the highlights of this event is the Exhibit Presentation. This Exhibit serves as a venue to showcase the projects and applications of students. This is open to all high school and undergraduate students from different schools, colleges and universities nationwide. The team should be composed of two up to five members and should register and send their abstract at https://form.jotform.com/cores2017/exhibit on or before December 31, 2016. Short-listed finalists will be announced on January 7, 2017 through e-mail, SMS, and the official CoRES Facebook Page. Selected applicants will receive an official invitation letter including the program details, venu and compliance/attendance waiver for the participants. Those who will fail to make it on the short-listed finalists will be given the chance to exhibit their prototypes on the event itself and will be given a Certificate of Participation.


There will be two categories for this coming CoRES 2017 Research Presentation, one is for the Students and the other is for Faculty Members. This annual opportunity serves as a venue to intensify every contributorโ€™s communication and leadership skills as well as their visions and innovations. The Student Research Category is open to all high school and undergraduate students who are currently enrolled in any of the science high school, laboratory high school, national high school, colleges and universities in the Philippines. Participants can be solo, pair or a team composed of up to five members.

The Faculty Category is open to all faculty members of all schools, institutions, colleges and universities in the Philippines. Just like the Student category, participants can be solo, pair or a team composed of up to five members.

The individual/team should submit their abstract and register at https://form.jotform.com/cores/research on or before December 31, 2016. Short-listed finalists will be announced on January 3, 2017. Selected applicants will receive an official invitation letter including the program details, venue and compliance/attendance waiver for the participants. The individual/team with the selected research abstract must submit the full paper until January 10, 2017.

For more information, visit the Facebook page of the National CoRES 2017: www.facebook.com/coresofficial

E-mail: cores2017@gmail.com

Stay connected and follow the National Computer Research and Engineering Symposium 2017 on twitter and on instagram @coresofficial