Fans were initially ecstatic when Marvel revealed their first Asian-led superhero film at the San Diego Comic-Con. There was a lot of excitement for Simu Liu of Kim’s Convenience to take up the title role in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. However, the casting now seems to be met with some opposition from Chinese netizens who consider him “too ugly.”
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YouTube channel Asian Boss crowdsourced one of their latest videos by asking people on the streets: “Is The Asian Lead For Marvel ‘Too Ugly’ For Chinese People?” While Liu may be considered conventionally attractive by Hollywood standards, it seems this doesn’t hold true for all. One woman rated Liu a 3.5 out of 10 while another said he looked the type to skillfully scam people.
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Of course, after such harsh words, it’s not likely that Liu could keep to himself. In response to the video, Liu posted on his Facebook page: “I think this is a very teachable moment. I’ve had people question me my entire life. A lot of teachers thought I’d never amount to anything, a lot of producers, directors, writers AND costars have questioned my acting ability, and I’ve been rejected from countless conservatories, grants, programs, etc. I’ve been second-guessed at every single possible step of my career.”
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“The reason why I’m still standing is because I’m singularly focused, I have the utmost belief in my abilities and I refuse to let the opinions of others define me. In your careers, in your lives, no matter where you go, you will always encounter voices of doubt.
Some will come from people who are frighteningly close to you. Are you going to let those voices own you?” Liu continues.
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He clarifies: “That isn’t to say you can’t have bad days, and that you shouldn’t use your support systems and talk about how you feel like I’m doing right now. I’ve never been called ugly so many times in my entire life! For me, it’s never been about trying to shut the voices out – it’s a fruitless effort (especially if people happen to be making Youtube videos about it lol). Rather, it’s about learning to let the voices exist and be OKAY with it. I’m still doing my thing, and I’m still over the moon happy I get this amazing opportunity.”
Liu concludes his sentiment by saying “I’m not going to let a few voices of doubt ruin that for me, and neither should you, in whatever you are pursuing in your life.”
What do you think about the criticisms directed at Simu Liu?