
OUCH: Maine Mendoza Accidentally Tore Off Her Eyelashes Because of Doing This…

Maine Mendoza just had the worst experience with an eyelash curler and we are inwardly cringing in pain just by looking at her photo.

On Instagram, the young comedienne warned everyone about the harms of putting too much pressure when using the makeup tool on one’s eyelashes as she shared the unfortunate result of her accidentally doing so.

“Eyelash curler nightmare!” she exclaimed, showing a picture of herself with half of her left eyelid devoid of her lashes.

maine mendoza eyelashes

“Swipe left to see what happens when you put too much pressure on an eyelash curler (without finger rings)โ€ฆ You get a chunk of your lashes ripped out in a flash,” she began to explain. “Girls, go easy when curling if you donโ€™t want a semi-kalbo (bald) lid.”

Many of her female friends and fans expressed their shock and concern for the “Eat Bulaga” host. Some even gave tips on how to help the lashes grow back faster.

maine mendoza eyelash curler


(ALSO READ: Phenomenal Star Maine Mendoza Releases โ€œLost With Youโ€ Music Video)

Do you have similar horror stories with makeup tools? Share them in the comments below!

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