LOOK: This Lady Drove A Taxi Home After The Driver Got Too Sleepy To Continue

We’ve all had our fair share of taxi stories and experience–both good and bad. We’ve all had our own different encounters with taxi drivers–some inspiring, some nightmarish. But I don’t think I’ve ever heard of one like Christina Tan’s.

In a Facebook post, Christina shared an experience she had with a taxi driver–one that’s truly unique. She recounts how she exchanged places with the taxi driver and drove the taxi herself all the way home.

Intriguing? Here’s how it all happened according to her post.

She says that the taxi driver first asked her to transfer to another taxi because he was already too sleepy and too tired. But Christina knew that they were still a long way from home and that she wasn’t even sure if she could get another ride. So, she suggested that she be the one to drive.

(RELATED: INSPIRING: This Guy Gives Two Strangers A Free Ride After Seeing Them Get Rejected By Several Taxis)

At first, the driver was hesitant, but after a lot of convincing, Christina finally took the seat behind the wheel. Before long, she could hear the 70-year old driver sleeping soundly in the backseat.

The driver told her that he has been driving for decades now and that he still needs to continue with his livelihood for his daughters.

Many netizens applauded Christina for stepping in for the driver, taking note of her kindness and for being an inspiration to all.

What did you think of what she did? Share it with us!