My ears are, unfortunately, too small for regular wireless earbuds and in-ear headphones. So, it’s such a normal occurrence for earbuds to fall off of my ears. And I’m sure that it doesn’t just happen to me!
If you’re someone who, unfortunately, also cannot keep wearing normal earbuds for a long time, here’s a great alternative.
Photos from Lazada
These Bluetooth earbuds are designed like ear cuffs! With this style, it doesn’t fall off so easily from your ears and it fits so snugly on the ear.
These ear cuff-style earbuds are also a lot more comfortable by design.
When it comes to sound quality, it also delivers thanks to its bone-conducting feature.
These ear cuff earphones are also sweat resistant, so they’re perfect for rigorous workout sessions.
Its batteries can also last up to 6 hours while constantly playing your favorite songs.
These ear cuff earbuds are available in black and white.
Buy these ear cuff-style earbuds here!
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links. The actual color, appearance, size, and shape of the item might be slightly different from the ones shown in the pictures.
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