
Klook Out! Mimiyuuuh and the Where-wolves are the new Pack in Town!

Viral internet personality, Mimiyuuuh, is known for many things including her playful growling and iconic smile. But what if we told you those werenโ€™t simply quirks that made Mimiyuuuh so lovable? What if we told you she was actually a where-wolf?

You heard us right! Klookโ€™s super smooth booking and addicting travel deals have turned everyoneโ€™s favorite influencer feral! Itโ€™s official, Mimiyuuuh is now a travel-thirsty where-wolf!ย Klook 6

In Klookโ€™s latest offbeat, bite-size feature, Mimiyuuuh and friends have given in to the budget travel bug! Meet the Where-wolves! A group of eccentric fur-sonalities itching to get out there and explore the world!

Now, more than ever, Mimiyuuuh, Anna, Chuck, and Danny Boy are ready to finally satiate their craving for a real good time. But thereโ€™s one problemโ€ฆHOWL can they make the most of their experience? This is where Klook comes in!

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With Klook at their fingertips, Mimiyuuuh and the Where-wolves jump into adventure mode to take in the sights and sounds of some of the most exciting travel hotspots. From Japanโ€™s colorful culture to South Koreaโ€™s countless attractions, and Singaporeโ€™s stunning sights, only Klook can satisfy all that wanderlust with howl-worthy deals at the best hotels, tourist activities, and attractions!

Be a part of the Where-wolves adventure with Mimiyuuuh and friends now on YouTube and Facebook. And when the wanderlust gets to you like a full moon gets to a werewolf, Klook is nothing more than a few taps away as a free download on the App Store and Google Play.

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Book your next sPAWntaneous tropa trip with Klook via https://www.klook.com/en-PH/tetris/promo/phyearend2022/and make the most of year-end deals with 5% OFF on all international activities in Singapore (SGDEC5OFF), Japan (JPDEC5OFF), Korea (KRDEC5OFF), and Thailand (THDEC5OFF) with a minimum spend of P2,000.00 and maximum discount of P5,000.00. If a local vacay is more your trip, avail of a 5% discount on all Philippine (PHDEC5OFF) activities with a minimum spend of P500.00 and a maximum discount of P3,000.00! Want it all? Go for a Catch-All discount and slash off P150.00 on all activities with a minimum discount of P5,000.00 using the code WHERETAYO.

No adventure is complete without Klook. Try it now! We promise youโ€™ll love it to the full moon and back!