Howie Day Manila Stop: More Than Just “Collide”

He is more than a good singer, he is a beyond-awesome guitarist, and his talent goes farther than writing good lyrics…


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Howie Day is also an excellent performer. With an impeccable timing for his instruments’ blending, he instantly becomes a one-man band before our very eyes. 


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Even though he didn’t really showcase his looping talent during his first few songs just yet, he was already amazing. Howie Day Manila Stop-36


After he starts strumming and tapping his guitar with passion, he records them into his gadget, loops them and makes harmony with all of them.  I stopped shooting at one point to just watch him and listen to what he was mixing. I saw passion and talent come together at that moment. 


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It was important for me to stop, to appreciate, to savor and enjoy the music as it unraveled before our eyes. 

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His passion was really inspiring. The way he held his guitar and strummed it, the way it produced such sweet music, the way he plucked the strings… it soothed the ears, it took me somewhere else… somewhere far away, into my memory.


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In a way, it was nostalgia, Howie Day being one of the objects of it as he was a singer that became popular about 10 years ago…

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…but it was also much more than that. Howie Day Manila Stop-45


He did not end his act with “Collide”. He said it would be too predictable if he did that. He did not play too hard-to-get when the people shouted “more!!” (well, because he didn’t have a backstage to hide in at Amber Ultralounge.) It was a small venue – very intimate – and since it was on short notice, only true fans were able to make it. 


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Another amazing thing about Howie Day that I learned today? He’s a really nice guy. Patient with his fans and willing to talk to just about anyone who approached him. P.S. He gives hugs and funny faces, too.


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Thanks to Pinoy Tuner for bringing him over to mesmerize his fans here. He certainly did a lot more than just that. He created a bigger fan out of his already existing fans here in Manila. And we certainly would wants to see him again when he comes back. *fingers crossed*



Howie Day Manila Stop: More Than Just “Collide”