How to Use Your Smartphone to Get Ahead in Life

I have been using smartphones before smartphones even became popular. I started off with a PDA in 2001, then moved to an XDA 2 in 2004. I have not looked back ever since.

I have witnessed the changes brought forth by smartphones. What is unfortunate is that smartphones are not being used for self-improvement, but for mindless games and IMs.

Take a moment and look at your own smartphone and ask yourself, “What have I used my smartphone for the most?”. You might feel guilty realizing that your smartphone is plagued with games and IM applications that distract you from your everyday work. How do you solve the issue? What should you consider doing when using a smartphone? Here are your solutions:


How to Use Your Smartphone to Get Ahead in Life


Audit Your Smartphone Use.


Look at your smartphone and the applications installed. Do you have too many applications that you don’t use? Do you have a lot of games on your phone? This calls for smartphone spring cleaning. Go through your applications and start deleting games and apps you have not used or are using but are unproductive for you. You will be surprised by how much fewer applications you will have after.


Figure Out Your Goals.


In my experience, I realized that I want to learn a new language, so I downloaded Duolingo, which is persistent in reminding me to finish one module per day. I have been using Duolingo for 2 months now and I can now translate roughly 50% of normal Spanish articles. And it is free!

I also have news, business, and fitness apps. Just ask yourself what you want to be and I can assure you there is an app out there that can probably help you achieve your goals.

You can add JCI Fort Bonifacio Open Knowledge to your mobile web browser and start studying the free courses being offered there, too.


Keep Things in Your Face All the Time.


I use a Windows phone 8.2 and I put all the live tiles I need on the upper half of my screen. I have phone, contact book, sms, emails, news, Duolingo, and others. I still have one or two games, but they’re mind puzzles and quizzes. I don’t mind getting games as long as they’re educational. I use such games to refresh my memory on algebra, calculus, and many other things we forgot from high school.

By deleting games that are unproductive to me, I was able to make sure that when I get bored and reach out for my phone, I only reach out to applications that are in my phone that are good for my personal development.

I also set an alarm with my fitness tracker to make sure that it reminds me to do my push ups, sit ups, and crunches every day. It can be persistent, but I know I need it if I want to stay fit.


A Better You Does Not Need To Happen in January

You can look at your phone and start deleting right now. Are you truly convinced that you want to be better? What are you waiting for? Start the change now!

I find that if I want to change myself, I associate myself with the right people. This is why I joined JCI Fort Bonifacio. Being with a crowd of people who always wants to develop themselves and be better becomes my coach and life buddies in my personal development. A lot of things that made me who I am I have to thank to friends who share the same ideals. 

One day, you will look back and see how far you’ve gone to getting to where you want to be, and hopefully, this article will help you on that journey. Don’t wait for another new year’s resolution; your path towards a better you starts today!

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