How to Artfully Attract Women (as Told by a Woman)


Kino Escalation

Kino is a curtailment of Kinaesthetic which means touch. Kino escalation basically means gradually escalating the amount and level of physical touches, while at the same time gauging and calibrating how much she’s willing to be touched by you which can denote her comfort level in your presence. The more she allows you to touch her, the more she trusts you. And the more she trusts you, the more she’ll allow you to touch her.

Some pick-up artists usually start Kino escalation by artfully and skillfully talking the woman into letting him hold her hand as he “reads” her palm, which most women totally buy into.

Apparently women find it intriguing, interesting, and exciting when a man can seem to read into her psyche or mysteriously foretell her future. Most pick up artists are equipped with cold reading techniques, which I will discuss further in the next paragraph. After she lets you touch her hand, you can then proceed to escalating to touching her arms, and then her lower back, and then putting your arms around her waist, and then kissing her, and then fondling her breasts, and so on. If she lets you escalate without resistance, it is an IOI (Indication Of Interest), which then leads to a high buying temperature, which can then turn into an FC (F*ck Close).

Cold Reading

Allow me to do a cold reading on you.

“Correct me if I’m wrong but I can tell you are a kind of person who is a lot like an oyster, which has a hard shell, but actually has some softness inside. You are often good-natured, but you have a bad side which people wouldn’t want to cross. You have a very loving side which you may not often show. You sometimes wish you were living another person’s life. You know how to enjoy new adventures but you can also be at times afraid of getting out of your comfort zone or encountering the unknown, which can also be exciting at times. And let me guess, you have a scar on your right knee, don’t you?”

See how I seem to know you very well already despite writing this prior to even knowing you existed?

It’s because Cold Reading is basically pretending to read someone’s unique psyche when you are actually just giving them an ambiguous general reading of human psyche, such as the aforementioned example. Every normal human being has a tough side and a soft side. Every human being, with the exception of psycopaths, has a loving side which they may not often show. Everybody at times wishes they were living another person’s life, thus the proliferation of Hollywood movies, TV series and fiction books. And almost every grown-up has a scar on their knees.

And a lot of girls, and even guys, totally buy into this BS. This is how fortune tellers make their fortune–by selling people BS they want to buy. And this is how pick-up artists elicit deeper emotions in women–making them feel a special emotional closeness or bond with them. When you’ve successfully done this to a woman, she would start seeing you as someone who is different from other men she’s met because unlike them who seem to be only interested in her beauty and body, you can see right through her and her deeper and more meaningful side.

Time Distortion

Time distortion means distorting a woman’s perception of the time that she’s spent with you by taking her to several different places on one occasion. For example, if you’ve met a woman by the bar, you can then lead her to the dance floor and dance for a bit, then to the comfort room and make her comply to wait for you, then to your friends’ table where you can sort of subdue the sexual tension between you a bit, and demonstrate social proof, then maybe take her to the taxi queue where you can do some more kino escalation, and then maybe talk her into grabbing a sandwich or ice cream at 7-eleven or whatever 24/7 convenient store that is easily accessible, and then leading her to your place even to meet your pregnant goldfish.

When you’ve been with her in several various places doing various things, even in a span of 2-3 hours, her brain would process it as if she’s known you longer than she actually does, and thus will trust you more. When she trusts you more, you put yourself in a position closer to getting an FC (F*ck Close).

There’s a popular meme that says: “Girls need to have a reason to have sex. Guys just need a place.” For a lot of men, if not all, it doesn’t take much for them to get motivated to have sex. But for most women, if not all women, to be motivated sexually, it takes a highly complex emotional process.

Did you like that? Have a piece of my crazy, sexy female mind on my blog and download a copy of a dating tips ebook I wrote on



Amanda Coling xx


I do coaching for both men and women on how to upgrade their dating and social life by upgrading both their inner game(mndset) and outer game(social skills). You may contact me at or Instagram/Snapchat: @amandacoling, Twitter: @amandacolingblo,

Amanda Coling is anti-fragile, divergent, ambivert, polymath, dark mochafrappoholic, closet sapiosexual, existentialist in the streets, hedonist in the sheets. In short, she’s the woman your mother warned you about, except mom’s imagination wasn’t this good. 😉