
Check-in to Coalesce: Ateneo invites you to its first online RecWeek

Each year, the Loyola Schools, spearheaded by The Council of Organizations of the Ateneo – Manila, prepares itself for RecWeek. A week-long recruitment event wherein 69 organizations and student groups all come together, in welcoming the students to a new year of Ateneo’s vibrant org community. Moreover, it also gives the various organizations and student groups a platform to promote their own advocacies and initiatives in hopes of recruiting new members. However, as the country still reels from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, COA-M has decided to move this year’s RecWeek online.

RW 20 Main Poster

From the 14th to 26th of September 2020, RecWeek will be held online for a two-week period, wherein undergraduate students would have access to all participating organizations that they wish to sign-up for at www.coarecweek.com. The website may be accessed by Ateneans starting September 14. 


This online platform will showcase the various advocacies and core competencies of all organizations, along with the content they have wished to present and introduce to the undergraduate students of the Ateneo. 


COA RecWeek 2020: Coalesce focuses on giving that memorable experience of introducing org-culture within the LS community despite the different setting it is not accustomed to. Students could better familiarise themselves with the organization they wish to sign-up for, by attending different programs these organisations have promoted – such as the Webinar and the Variety Show. 


COA RecWeek 2020: Coalesce is co-presented by The Grind Shoes, and in partnership with Inquirer.net, InqPOP!, SparkUp PH, and WhenInManila.com.