Category: Editor’s Choice

Kathryn Bernardo Gatorade No Sweat Fest thumbnail e1683478839690

Gatorade No Sugar Sweat Fest Sets New World Record

Gatorade just broke a world record right here in the Philippines! In an unprecedented gathering of health and fitness aficionados, Gatorade reinforces its stance as the leading hydration drink that caters to health-conscious consumers through …

The Most Useful Travel Apps for Trips Around Asia

Traveling has always been a fulfilling pastime; but thanks to technology, how we travel has significantly improved. Thanks to today’s apps, we can now enjoy traveling with more convenience while saving time and even money. …
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Peak Travel Reminders for the Lenten Break

The Holy Week is a time for reflection and reunion with families, with many Filipinos taking the opportunity to be with their loved ones, either to participate in religious activities or go on a much-deserved …