Camp Sawi: 10 Things I Learned about Moving On

Bigo, hugot, walang forever, sawi.

We’ve heard all those before. It seems like everyone is brokenhearted nowadays. As for myself, I had to watch Camp Sawi just because I’m a sucker for love, and sappy love stories.

Written by celebrity couple Bela Padilla and Neil Arce, Camp Sawi is about love, loss, and surviving. For many, though, moving on is hardest part. But there is hope for everyone. I think there’s a right person for each of us. There are just the lucky ones, the ones that have found “the one” way before us. I loved Camp Sawi because it has a simple story and the lines are how people usually converse in real life.

Also, the cast is great, too.

And so, here are the 10 things I learned from Camp Sawi about moving on:


10. It’s okay to mourn

You cry everyday and every night. Your eyes are constantly red and swollen and, sometimes, just when you think you’ve already ran out of tears, you cry again. It’s okay to cry. Just let it out. You will feel weak and lonely, but you will find the strength soon. Cry if you need to! You’re human and you respond to loneliness. That only means you can still feel. (Di tulad ng ex mong manhid)

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

9. ย Some had it worse

You’re on your bed thinking it’s the end of the world because he left you, he cheated on you, he disappeared. But some have it worst; some lose their loved ones because of culture, of change, and even death.

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

8. Push the negativity out

You will feel bad and some people will tell you you’re just being emotional, but don’t let those get to you. You will only feel bad if you let them dictate your own feelings to you. Push the negativity out. Be positive; you attract the same energy you give out.

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

7. Surround yourself with good people

When a person is brokenhearted, they tend to shut other people out. That’s perfectly normal, but you have to remember that you didn’t lose the world. You lost one person and you have the world to gain.

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

6. Discover the possibilities

You can’t put your life on hold. This is the perfect time for you to discover the possibilities, whether a new job, a new home, a new friend, or maybe a new haircut?

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

5. Jump

This is the freedom that you need. The freedom that you can use to find whatever it is that you want to do. Jump. Try the things you always wanted to try, or continue a hobby that you have long forgotten.

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

4. Remember that nature heals

When lonely, find beauty in places. When you feel that the world is going down and is too dark and lonely for you, find beauty and surround yourself with it. This will make you feel like you are not alone and it’s a wonderful world to live in.

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

3. It’s okay to fall in love

After getting your heart broken, you may feel afraid to fall in love again. Don’t. You’ve learned; you know how this works now. Remember how beautiful and exciting it is to be in love. You got this.

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

2. Move on at your own pace

Moving on will never be easy, but it is up to you. You should be the one to decide how long you will be mourning for a love lost. You decide how quickly you’ll forget, you decide how you’ll find time to just love yourself and let yourself heal. The world will keep on turning, and when you are ready to go out and be a part of it again, it will accept you with open arms.

Camp Sawi: 10 Things I learned about Moving On

1.Let go, you’ll be okay

This is the only thing you will have to do in the end. Let go. Let go of all the memories that hurt you, let go of the thoughts that keep you up at night, let go of the pain.

Don’t get used to the sadness. Once you let go, you’ll start healing. You’ll start smiling. You’ll be okay.

Moving on is hard; we all know that. But it’s harder to let the pain and sorrow get the best of you. Keep your head high. There are so many people who love you and who will love you.


Are you going through tough times too? Or do you have a similar story with the girls of Camp Sawi?
Share your thoughts below.