3 Unique Gift Ideas from the Bookish Community


2. Immortal Pictures & Drawings by Rhett


Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines


Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines


Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines


Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines

Pictures & Drawings by Rhett  - unique, personalized gift ideas in the Philippines


Rhett is a photographer and has his own graphic design business. To de-stress, he creates unbelievably insightful renderings of friends and family using photography and digital art. He is the de facto official photographer of book club activities in Manila. If he’s around, we can be guaranteed of a great coverage through his work. Beyond the technology and sheer artistic skill though, Rhett has the distinct quality of being able to see through the outward appearance into the ‘person.’ Compare the photos of people and his artistic versions. The first two drawings are of me. He sees me as this mysterious boots-wearing lady with superpowers. I love it. For us, becoming Rhett’s subject is one of the world’s best gifts. When we bookworms get together, we are immortalized.

Does he accept orders?

Maybe. Rhett creates this kind of art as a hobby, but maybe you can arrange something with him. Invite him to one of your shindigs and see yourselves become immortalized. Email him at rhettdejesus@gmail.com.Â