10 Annoying Things Funny People Have to Deal With


4. You listen to other people telling you a joke that they think is funny.

10 Annoying Things Funny People Have to Deal With

Witty stuff or jokes have a punchline. It can be a play of words, or a visual, or whatever it is, but there is a punchline. People come to me saying “Hash, I have a joke for you!” How do I tell them it is not funny when it isn’t?  And when it isn’t funny because of a lack of a punchline, they’d say “I don’t think you get it, this might be for those intellectual types”.


3. Strangers heckle you even after your performance.

10 Annoying Things Funny People Have to Deal With

This one is weird, too. I would perform for a show, and when I’m done, having a drink with some buddies at another table, at another bar, on another day, one of the audience members from the previous event would come to me and say “Hash! You are terrible in bed! Now, throw me a rebuttal!”, and I would stare at him, confused, then stating “Don’t believe half of what your girlfriend says. Yes, I slept with her, that part of what she said is the truth”. Of course, you do realize that the problem in this situation is that you are an arm’s length away from a punch on the nose.


2. Psychology students think I need counselling.

10 Annoying Things Funny People Have to Deal With

These students always feel that if you’re funny, you must be depressed or messed up inside. Well, it is more or less true, but I don’t need counseling.

Heck, psychology students need counseling. I’ve dated enough Psychology students in my younger years to know that, although I think they dated me because they needed a subject for their thesis.


1. Some people think that I’m gay because I’m funny.

10 Annoying Things Funny People Have to Deal With

This I get quite a few times here: “Dude, if you’re funny, you must be gay”. I know most of the bars here have gay comedian performers, but I don’t have to be gay to be funny; I just have to be drunk and pissed off.




0. We usually find a lot of things annoying.

Ever wonder where comedians get their inspiration from? Everyone, everything, everywhere. Ever been stuck in traffic? Or in the MRT? How about the last time your waiter said something really incomprehensibly dumb, you did not know how that person even made it this far into the human race? This world is filled with reasons for us to be pissed off, but we deflect and laugh about it.


Do you feel alone? Don’t be. Meet fellow comedians by liking the page of Comedy Cartel and joining us. Who knows? Even you can become a standup comedian and go through the torture above with us.


Featured Image courtesy of Boians Cho Joo Young at FreeDigitalPhotos.net



10 Annoying Things Funny People Have to Deal With