The first and only eight-division world champion, Manny Pacquiao got slammed by netizens, as well as, people from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender or LGBT community after sharing his opinion about same-sex marriage. The senatorial aspirant unfortunately compared those people who are married with the same sex, “masahol pa sa hayop” (worse than animals) during his interview withย TV5โs initiative, Bilang Pilipino 2016.
READ: Manny Pacquiao on Same-Sex Marriage Says ‘Mas Masahol Pa sa Hayop ang Tao’
Additionally, celebrities and other famous LGBT advocates like Vice Ganda, Aiza Seguerra, to name a few, have also expressed their disappointments toward the Sarangani Representative’s comment aboutย it.
READ: Aiza Seguerra on Manny Pacquiao’s ‘Masahol pa sa Hayop’ Statement.
Perhaps, after realizing his judgmental comment, Manny Pacquiao took to Facebook his apology for his statement regarding the same-sex marriage “worse than animals.”
On his Facebook page, he captions his video:
I’m sorry for hurting people by comparing homosexuals to animals. Please forgive me for those I’ve hurt.
He, however, stands behind his belief about same-sex marriage. He further explains, “I still stand on my belief that I’m against same-sex marriage because of what the Bible says, but I’m not condemning LGBT. I love you all with the love of the Lord. God Bless you all and I’m praying for you.”
Manny Pacquiao is running for a Senateย this coming May 2016 election.
Watch his video below:
It’s not up to us to say anything about the sincerity of his gesture. We are no judges ourselves. May peace reign in our hearts!
Sana Ung kamay Nya Hindi ganun Kasi parang wala ko maramdaman na sincerity
Open Letter to Manny Pacquiao
Dear Manny.
People quoting bible verses to attack the LGBT community in particular is getting really old, ignorant and desperate. People should just stop interpreting the Bible literally, it is as much as a mystery as, let’s say, the holy trinity. It is beyond our ability as humans to even comprehend. Stop pretending to know it all because clearly, you don’t. The world has had too many false prophets already, you need to stop being one.
Yes, 90% of Filipinos are members of the Christian Faith (I myself included), but not all of us are as sexist nor as close-minded as you are. We all believe in a God that is most forgiving and most loving. If you think that the kingdom of heaven condemns homosexuality, then your interpretation of your God might not just be as the bible says he is. Is it not also stated in the Bible- “love your neighbor as you love yourself”? Then why all the hate? By the way, let me compliment you for a good job on that “worse than animals” comparison. You just went and pissed a lot of people there! *insert sarcasm here*
Now, before you play the “right for self expression, being entitled to own opinion” card here, believe me, I acknowledge your rights just as much as I value mine (and everyone else’s for that matter). You just went and crossed the line in this argument though. Your bigotry and ignorance needs to be toned down a little, especially now that you’re running for a very high position in the government. I don’t think this kind of publicity would be in any way helpful to your pursuits.
I have a lot of friends in the LGBT community who were offended by this statement of yours, Manny. I just can’t help but sympathize. I can’t bare to witness this kind of injustice be committed and do or say nothing about it. These people are every bit as human as you are (if not more). They deserve to be treated with as much respect and compassion as the rest of us. They deserve to be treated otherwise because they have a different sexual orientation than you do. I think it is also the right time we grant them equal rights and privileges they deserve. After all, nobody was ever born with the choice weather to be gay or straight, because if they ever had a choice, nobody would ever choose to be gay. They were just kinda born that way.
Let’s face it, the world is changing. The world is undergoing a paradigm shift, and human morals and values are changing along with it. This is the way things are currently progressing forward, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You either go on board or be stuck and left behind with your archaic thoughts and beliefs. It no longer a question whether this is going to be another truth you have to deal with or not, but rather a question of when is it going to happen. Lastly, COMMON SENSE will tell you that your name will in no way be anywhere near my ballot this comming elections. I will still pray that you find enlightenment though, because in the end #LoveAlwaysWins
The Bible? He means that ancient manuscript of hearsays and archaic collection of MYTHS & barbaric FAIRY TALES which condones racism, slavery, beating of slaves, rape, child abuse, stoning “sinners” to death, dashing baby to rocks (among other inhuman things)?
By the way, here are the other things Manny’s scripture finds sinful too:
Eating Pork: Leviticus 11:7-8
Eating Shrimp, Lobster, and other Assorted Seafood: Leviticus 11:9-12
Charging Interest in Loans: Leviticus 25:36โ37
Ear Piercing: Leviticus 19:28
Tattoos: Leviticus 19:28
Rounded Haircuts: Leviticus 19:27
Men with No Beards: Levitiucs 21:5
Planting the same crop on a vineyard side by side: Deuteronomy 22:9
Consulting Psychics/Horoscopes: Leviticus 19:31
Gossiping: Leviticus 19:16
Adorning one’s self with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes 1 Timothy 2:9
Wearing Clothes with Mixed Fabrics: Leviticus 19:19
Wearing Garments Made of Pig’s Skin (Baseball Gloves): Leviticus 11:7
Getting Remarried After Getting Divorced: Mark 10:11-12
Working on Sundays/Sabbath Day: Exodus 31:14-15
Losing Your Virginity Before You Get Married: Deuteronomy 22:20-21
Women Wearing Men’s Clothes like Trousers: Deuteronomy 22:5
Wives Helping Out Their Husbands in a Fight: Deuteronomy 25:11-12
Women Speaking in Churches: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Wearing Jewelry in Church
Gender Equality and Women Empowerment: Leviticus 27:1-7; 1 Timothy 2:12
Nobody’s perfect to talk like that. I’m sure the bible he’s talking about also has a lot of things to say with what he just did and what he’s currently doing. A lot of people are being mislead by religion and belief by taking things too literal in the absence of wisdom.