
Visit the Wizarding World from the safety of your beds with ‘Harry Potter at Home’

J.K. Rowling along with Audible, Bloomsbury, OverDrive, Pottermore Publishing, and Scholastic has launched Harry Potter at Homeย to bring us all a little bit of magic amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


(The National Emergency Library lets people borrow from over 1.4 million books)

“For over twenty years now, Hogwarts has been an escape for all โ€“ for readers and fans, young and old. During the strange times we now find ourselves in, we want to welcome you back to Hogwarts, where you will find a friendly retreat for you, your family and those you are caring for,” the Wizarding World team writes.

Harry Potter at Home serves as a hub information and activities for parents, teachers, children, and Potterheads of any age. Some of its prominent features include special activity kits from Bloomsbury and Scholastic, magical craft videos,ย  fun articles, quizzes, and puzzles.

They’ll also be making the very first Harry Potter audiobook available for free, thanks to Audible. It will soon be available on Audibleโ€™s new platform,ย stories.audible.com.

Remember, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.

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