Top 8 Tips for Online Dating in Metro Manila

Article by Jieneb Kho

“Willing to lie about where we met.”

“Sorry, I can’t join your dating site. I like traditional dating.”

“People might think I’m desperate if they see me there.”

These are only a few of the comments I’ve heard when we launched, the Philippines’ first exclusive online dating platform for professionals. But I’m not here to talk about Diptyc — I’m here to clear up these misconceptions.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, maybe you have been (or you know a single friend) who has been curious to try out online dating.

You have nothing to lose if you decide to sign up. You never know: you might just meet your future travel buddy; fellow foodie; future business partner or contact; and, if you’re lucky, you might even meet that special someone.

Online dating platforms are not the answer to your love problems. They can’t promise true love, but you can meet interesting people you wouldn’t necessarily be able to cross paths with in your everyday life.

So, are you ready to sign up? Here are some of my tips to fully reap the potential of online dating:

Top 8 Tips for Online Dating in Metro Manila

8. Choose the right photos.

It’s true what they say: a picture speaks a thousand words; and your photos are the first thing others will see on your profile. It’s your first impression — the fine line between someone clicking on your profile, or skipping to the next person.

Choose photos that show your different interests. What are you into lately? If you’re into traveling, where was your favorite destination? If you’re into sports, what do you play? If you’re into music, what was the last concert you attended?

Ilocos: The New Zealand of Pinas

The photos on your profile are a great (short) way for someone to already get a glimpse of who you are and what you enjoy to do. This makes for a great icebreaker, too!

PHOTO DON’T’S: Seriously, we don’t want to play Where’s Waldo in all of your 6 photos trying to figure out which one you are in the group.

7. Fill in your profile.

We’re so used to taking 5 seconds to sign up to any site, but just like how you should take your time to proofread your resume (and LinkedIn profiles), you should also put in the time to write a few facts about yourself.

On Diptyc, the sign up process plays a huge role — it’s for our members to screen and vote for your profile. What you write on your profile is the perfect conversation starter. You’ll never know who you would meet with the same interests as you.

6. Go on and send a message.

oprah message meme

A good topic to start is to ask about their interests. “Hey! I read you just got back from France. I was in Nantes for my exchange. What did you like the most there?” “I saw you’re into boxing. I’m looking for a boxing gym around Fort. Is it hard?”

Read their profiles. You’re more likely to get a reply if your message shows an effort.

On Diptyc, we have an “Opinions” and “Last Night” feature where you answer short questions about yourself. It’s a great way to start your message. “I saw you read Le Petit Prince last night. Have you seen the movie? I just watched it the other day!”

5. Meet up!

Contrary to what people think, people who are on online dating sites still meet up in person. Yes, ladies and gents, we go on actual dates.

When you meet someone you seem to hit it off with — set up a date. The whole purpose of joining an online dating site is for you to eventually meet people in person.


It’s time to see if you can take your online chemistry offline!

Safety tip: If you’re meeting with them for the first time, it’s always best to let a friend know where, when and who you’re meeting up with. Send them a screenshot of their profile, too!

Read the next page for more tips!