Top 20 Signs You’ve Been Living in Manila for Too Long


10. When you want to order food to go, you say take out

Sir, for here or to go? – Ah, take out.


9. You say Aircon instead of air-conditioner or A/C

Turn on the aircon.


8. You joke about your nose bleeding anytime you hear someone speaking English

Your nose is probably bleeding from reading this post.


7. Your body has adapted to allow you to wear long sleeve shirts in the smoldering heat

The heat and humidity is over 100 degrees, but you comfortably put on long sleeve shirts, and even layers sometimes. Japorms pare.


6. You would rather be light skinned than tanned

Go to the beach?! Oh I would love to, but I can only go out at night, or when under an umbrella. I have to stay light skinned you know? So that people respect me.


5. Driving lanes and street signs are more like suggestions

But lanes are just so confining.


4. Taking a one-and-a-half hour ride to a place 20 minutes away is norm

Yes, I know traffic is bad, and I know that it will probably take an extra hour to get there, but that doesn’t stop me from using that as an excuse for when I am late.


3. Being an hour late to meetings and events is acceptable

Sorry, traffic.


2. You are overly sensitive to national pride on the internet

Oh, what did that famous person say about our country?! Though it is completely true, absolutely irrelevant to my life or anything I do, and though it probably wasn’t said with any malice or bad intentions, I am now totally offended and want him banned from our country until the day they die! No one ever should say true but bad things about my country! (Said as this person throws a cigarette butt out their car window)


1. You were slightly offended by this post.

I’m going to take a screenshot of this and tell people how mad I am about this online. But when it comes down to doing real things that might actually help people, like volunteering, charities and voting, I’ll just pass on that and browse the net for other things that might offend me.


But above them all, you know you’re a Filipino, or are from Manila because night after night, despite the many hardships in life and in this country, you still find a way to smile and see the brighter side of things. despite crazy typhoons, political corruption, personal trials and everything else this world throws at us, we still find a way to get back up and start over with a smile on our faces! That’s how you know you’ve been living in Manila, and the Philippines, for too long. You’re too happy =) 


Oh and as a bonus, #21 sign you’ve been in Manila too long is that you check out for all your travel, lifestyle, event and local updates; or is that too much of a self endorsing shameless plug? Well anyway, we left the last piece of shrimp for you.


Did we miss out on any signs that you’ve been in Manila too long?! Leave a comment below. 


Top 20 Signs You have Been Living in Manila for Too Long

Top 20 Signs You’ve Been Living in Manila for Too Long