
This is the Best Time to View the Super Blue Blood Moon Tomorrow

To end the first month of the New Year, the sky will be providing the world with an extra special treat: a ‘super blue blood moon’.

In case you didn’t know, a supermoon happens when a full moon reaches a point in its orbit that’s closest to the Earth. This makes it look 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a regular full moon. A blue moon, on the other hand, refers to the second full moon of a month; while a blood moon is when a full moon turns red for a certain period of time during a total lunar eclipse. All of this awesomeness will come together into one beautiful ‘super blue blood moon’ tomorrow night. Yes, all of it. In one.

Super Blue Blood Moon

Photo from Fred Espenak (www.mreclipse.com)


According to PAGASA, we will be able to see the beauty of the ‘super blue blood moon’ here in the Philippines for around 2 hours tomorrow night, Wednesday, January 31, from 8:51pm to 10:07pm, with the best part culminating at around 9:29pm when the eclipse is at the center and when the moon is at its reddest color.

The best news is that the ‘super blue blood moon’ will be seen all over the Philippines (as long as the weather cooperates, anyway). Ideally, you should look for a place to view it from where the skies are clear of clouds and there are no buildings nearby.

A ‘super blue blood moon’ hasn’t been seen in the Philippines since 1982, so make sure you don’t miss seeing it this time around; it could be a while ’til the next one!