
This Homemade Lasagna Is Made Out Of Pizza, and It’s Crazy Good!

Words by Fudge Santos
Photos by Krizia Joy Rivera

Do you ever just wake up one morning and realise you want something cheesy and meaty all of a sudden?

You are in luck! Mum’s Lasagna has you covered. With beautifully baked pasta sheets, meaty fillings, and pure cheesy goodness; their lasagnas are freshly baked, homemade, and absolutely delicious—perfect for your cheesy cravings and good to share with your friends and family.

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Mum’s Lasagna packages their orders in tray sizes to cater to group meals, group gatherings, and even parties! This means that you get to share this cheesy perfection with the people you love and in very special moments like birthdays, family events, house parties, and more.

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And aside from the promise of freshly baked goods, Mum’s Lasagna also promises their customers quality dishes and they do not disappoint. The layers under the super creamy cheese cover is filled with meaty beef and flavourful sauce that will make you want more with every bite. It is baked and made with a mother’s love, as well as heavy proportions of high-quality ingredients–which makes it super addicting and fulfilling at the same time (it definitely left a full feeling in our stomachs and it was just heaven.)

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What I personally love, however, is their special Pizza Bites Lasagna that is made up of with–you guessed it–small pizza bites!  Not only is it filled with appetizing servings of lasagna goodness, but I could also really make out the distinct taste of pizza underneath the thick layer of golden cheese toppings, and it was a different kind of amazing.

I never would have imagined myself falling in love with a pizza-lasagna combo, but I did. It’s an absolute must-try!

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Mum’s Lasagna also has nachos in their menu, partnered with their special cheesy-meaty sauce just to go with it. We honestly finished our box of nachos in less than five minutes, because it was that good.

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Overall, the rollercoaster ride of meat-cheese fusion Mum’s Lasagna took us on is something we definitely would get in on again. What we also adore about all the meals we tried was that there was no “umay” factor. There was just that feeling of wanting to get more of it, which is a thumbs up for us.

And you would never believe it… Mum’s Lasagna is opening up its first cafe very soon! Location would be at San Antonio, 1 Capitol Hills Drive, at the Katipunan Area, and we’re very excited.

But for now, go ahead and check out their menus at their Mum’s Lasagna Facebook page or go ahead and fill out your order form now!

Mum’s Lasagna


9AM – 6PM

Facebook and Instagram: @mumslasagna.ph

For more information please check out their Facebook page.