
RND-To-Go: A peek Into the World of a Nutritionist-Dietitian

For high schoolers, choosing the right degree program remains the biggest question ahead of them. Many students are troubled with choosing the right path for reasons like not knowing where to begin or simply not knowing their choices. Luckily, colleges and universities have started providing career talks that aim to introduce prospective students to what is in store for them.ย 

The Philippine Association of Nutrition – Alpha Chapter (PAN-Alpha) introduces RND-to-Go!, a career talk for high school students that aims to introduce and promote BS Community Nutrition as one of the emerging disciplines offered by the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Home Economics. Similarly, it hopes to inspire students to partake in our advocacy towards eradicating malnutrition by becoming a future Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian (RND).

The event will feature speakers from the UP Diliman Department of Food Science and Nutrition and esteemed BS Community Nutrition alumni. They will delve into the opportunities that await future RNDsย  – clinical, food service, and public health.ย 

To know more about the exciting world awaiting a future Nutritionist-Dietitian, PAN-Alpha cordially invites all high school students to their event to be held on 6 November 2021 from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM via Zoom and Facebook Live.ย 

Philippine Association of Nutrition - Alpha Chapter (PAN-Alpha) RND-to-Go

So future RND, are you RNDy to peek into what awaits you? See you there!ย 


Facebook: Philippine Association of Nutrition – Alpha Chapter

Twitter: @panalphaย 

YouTube: PAN ALPHAย 

TikTok: @panalpha.upd

Website: https://panalpha.org/