Reusable bubble tea tumblers could make a big difference in reducing plastic waste

The Philippines currently stands as one of the world’s worst contributors to plastic pollution. Most of that may come from plastic bags and sachets but the amount of plastic straws, utensils, and cups we use is no small matter, either. Establishments and districts have already started banning single-use plastic but there is a problem of having limited alternatives.

(60 billion sachets and 17.5 billion plastic bags are thrown each year in the Philippines)

This is where reusable bubble tea tumblers come in. Given the near-obsession we Filipinos have with bubble tea, it’s a safe bet to make that the amount of plastic waste that the multiple milk tea chains across the country produces would horrify us. While some chains have already shifted to using paper cups, a better solution is a cup you don’t have to throw at all.

milk tea

Reusable bubble tea tumblers have been gaining popularity in places like Canada and the United States. They are honestly just like any regular tumbler except it has the proper shape for the drink and the appropriate hole for bubble tea straws. It might not seem like such a big deal, but for milk-tea lovers who worry that their tumblers are too small, it does stand to make a difference.

To be honest, I’m not even sure what their policy on reusable cups is here in Manila or if they allow it. And that’s something that should change. Milk tea franchises should start encouraging people to bring their own containers, maybe even offering discounts or promos to those who do — just like cafe’s do.

(LOOK: Single-use plastics might soon be banned in the Philippines)

Eco-consumerism still very much has its flaws but in situations where giving up waste entirely isn’t exactly a viable option, it does become the lesser evil. And while holding institutions and corporations accountable for their part in environmental degradation is still the most important consideration, we should acknowledge that we all have a part in conserving the environment.

Do you think reusable tumblers would be a good idea?