Almost everyone on the internet love cats.
And we love them even more because of their crazy antics.
We enjoyย them so much as our comic relief like these cat Snaps.
Check out what these cats do as documented via Snapchat.
Whenย getting stuck on a vase can be stylish
Having a “Lion King” moment like a boss
Does this have warranty?
The look of revenge
Cat with black magic?
Akyat Bahay Cats
Cat TV stand
Where’s the cat? (part 1)
Wearing the remains of the enemies
Yay! Snow day!
Where’s the cat? (part 2)
“Draw me like one of your French girls”
You may be cool but you can’t be a cat riding a horse cool
Is this how to get a cat?
Welcome to the neighborhood
The cat and his iPad
Do you have funny Snaps of your cat? Share them with us.